Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lets Talk About Monday Night

Who had a worse Monday night?...

Chargers or Charger Fans

Monday night was the epitome of San Diego Sports and the following days have cemented the national outlook on this sunny beach town. Just a happy soft town that gets pillaged by more passionate sports towns.

Quick P.S.  Real weird that this is even a topic this week in town. THIS HAPPENS EVERY YEAR. Last year when Brady came out of the tunnel at the Q the earth moved. Massholes commandeered the stadium and did whatever they pleased all week long.

The Chargers were the typical Chargers. Had a must win home game and pooped themselves. It was a must win because they had a good team in town that happened to not have their elite qb playing. You simply cannot lose to Mike Vick at home. Especially on a national stage. I am more accurate peeing in the middle of the night drunk with no lights on than Vick is at passing a football.

Another quick P.S. - When does Tom Telesco start getting serious heat for one of the worst jobs in recent memory of building a functional team in a sport that continuously proves you need some depth because of injury attrition. Don't even get me started with his lack of focus of having a NT or a Center. Not having a NT in a 3-4 defense is bananas stupid. Not having a real center and expecting things to work out at all on offense is also crazy dumb. Not sure whats dumber to be honest. Prob the whole idea of running a 3-4 IMO. He runs his drafts like a 14 year old playing Madden. 

Why are San Diego locals so defensive about admitting the town is not very passionate about their professional sports teams???

Do they think these people don't travel to Lambeau when they play there?  They just can't get 70% of the stadiums tickets. It's that simple.

The locals excuses literally make no sense that its a nice town to visit. OBVIOUSLY. But, Locals act that a city that has 1.4 million residents can't fill a 71k seat stadium with real fans. Somebody please do some math.  There has to be 70k of the 1.4 million people that are from SD.

That game couldn't have played out better for Dean Spanos. It was a 4 hour free commercial for him to show the NFL the lack of hope he has of having a public vote and/or money fund a new stadium. It literally couldn't have worked out better for the Spanos family.

Last Note:

The Phil Rivers apologists were out in force regarding his Pick 6. I am not a Rivers guy but think he's a top 10 NFL QB (Much closer to 10 than 5 BTW). 

1. He decided where he was going with that play before they broke the huddle. Painfully obvious. 

2. When have you ever seen Malcolm Floyd run a productive/non injury route over the middle that's within 20 yards of the line of scrimmage?

3. It was one of Phils worst pre snap reads of all time. The Steelers were caught with run personnel on the field and had to split 100 year old James harrison out of slot on man coverage. Harrison could've cover a pregnant women running in heals. Harrison got shook of the route somehow before the slot even made a cut. Could've been a simple 10-15 yard gain. But, Phil decided otherwise and got lazy at the line and didn't crosscheck mismatches. Rewatch the play. It is a juvenile read for a pop warner kid. Watch Here

The fact that everyone blamed the whole thing on Floyd is probably the reason that Rivers has WAY too much power publicly and obviously with how this offense is run. He is clearly driving the formation calls. He is ALWAYS in the Gun. Limiting the run game and making the team so much easier to eat up from a defensive game plan.

P.S. DJ Fluker was a fucking warrior in that game. Much respect to Fluke.

P.P.P.S. Flowers is doing a bang up job of masking how bad Weddle is at playing football.

Also if you're a Charger fan and don't think your fanbase is poop on a stick you should just look at Phil Rivers post game comments about the fans. BRUTAL.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

San Diego Gulls Home Opener

UT San Diego - At 7:02 p.m. Saturday, Bruce Binkowski, one of the leading voices of San Diego sports, approached a podium set up on the ice of the Valley View Casino Center. 
He paused, took the microphone. And then, with six words that boomed throughout the arena, he announced very simply what was on everyone’s mind.
“Hockey is back in San Diego,” Binkowski said, and the sellout crowd erupted.
Yes, after months — no, years — of waiting, of expectation, the newest incarnation of the San Diego Gulls opened their season on Saturday night against the Grand Rapids Griffins, and won, 4-2.

I purchased full season tickets to this show for so many reasons and I can flat out tell you it is easily my best buy of my life. Nothing made too much sense at the game and I was on my toes the second entered the parking lot to the second I left that dump. 

It was basically the Super Bowl of people watching throughout the pre game festivities. ALL walks off life having a good old time down at the shitty Sports Arena. The scene amongst the fans will undoubtedly be the best part of this experience moving forward throughout the season. 

The promotion schedule is simply outrageous. It's simple a bunch of 2 dollar beers night with a sneaky night called "Bar Olympics" which could be the end of minor league hockey in San Diego. The people that will show for these nights are my kind of people.

P.S. The Sports Arena might be the most perfect venue for a minor league sport. Its old, shitty, and absolutely perfect for the scene for hockey in a beach community in SoCal.

The Ice broke literally before they dropped the puck which led to one of several delays. Absolutely perfect timing because minor sports are supposed to be a bit of a disaster and the Ice definitely stole the show. Very quickly into the game it became VERY apparent that the technology in the area might not be up to par because the ice started melting and it turned into a fog. They made the players take breaks and skate in circles to help clear the fog. I was loving every second of the show. I couldn't stop clapping and laughing.

The Goalie (Gibson) was pissed about the fact his net poles were clearly not properly drilled. Easily the best player on the ice and also my favorite because he gave off the vibe off "Why the fuck am I playing hockey in a melting rink in San Diego" the whole game and I couldn't get enough of it. Love that he is probably an asshole. Need those assholes in this town.

The Tailgate scene was a disaster and that's exactly how it should be. I almost ran over at least 13 children running around the parking lot when I entered. It was a lawless scene with no stadium employees to be found anywhere.

Also the Gulls tweeting out 2 dollar beer tailgate and then charging 5 bucks was a business move that I sneaky respect. The tailgate bartenders workers called me soft for only ordering 2 beers and I like that peer pressure. No regards for my safety and just won't me lit to yell at some hockey players from some random AHL town. Grand Rapids Michigan hockey Griffins got all they could handle from this Masshole.

P.S. There is like a club/lounge for Full season ticket holder that me and a buddy hit up for every intermission and the scene got weirder/drunker every period. Big plus in my book.

P.P.S.  Pray for the AHL team from Bakersfield because they're coming to town on Friday and its 2 dollar beer night. They should be happy to get out alive with all their stuff IMO.


I tried my hardest to be done with the 2015 Padres but this story is so Padres it hurts. The Padres mass produced a cross branding hat to include in a group ticket purchase of a Padres hat along with the Logos of the 2 most prominent LA colleges(UCLA & USC). This group and hat ticket package just happened to coincide with the LA Dodgers being the opponent on the night of this "deal".

Now, My honest feelings on this hat situation is that it is a smart move to sell more tickets and completely understand why thing are done like this because sports is a business and enticing the market to buy more of your product(tix) is always smart in a for-profit business.

My huge issue is the Padres message to the obvious outcry from their fans being upset that their logo is being shared with LA fans on a night with an LA team in town.

Solution: Honest in your face Public Relations regarding the Hat Intentions...

"We would obviously like to have Petco Park filled with all Padres fans every night but that is simply not happening and only happens on very very rare occasions. We, as any other business, need to attract customers in any way possible to sell our product. If its not a Padres fan in a seat, we still need to make sure a paying customer is in as many seats as possible. The Padres selling more seats is good for all involved. The more profit we can make means the more percentage of profit we can spend to improve the team. Again, We would love to have the place packed with all Padres fans and we are not dumb enough to think that a good percentage of this group promotion will in fact be cheering for the Dodgers, but that money is going into our pockets and we need to improve the team next year."

Instead the angle they took on their message either insinuates that the Padres organization thinks the fanbase is stupid or the organization is too dumb to gauge public reaction to sales strategies. Organization simply can't get out of its way to succeed.

The older I get the more I realize that A LOT of people at the top of the food chain in any business organizations aren't always the smartest people in the room. They just found a way to get there by saying "Yes" and agreeing with whoever was a above them no matter what. Businesses set up like this will never ever succeed.

Time is a flat circle.