Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Padres Social Hour

The "Padres Social Hour" is the best show on TV that you're definitely not watching. It's simply so bad that it's so good. I am borderline obsessed with this show and DVR it daily. I think my wife hates me more than normal while I'm locked into this masterpiece. It is like a bad local town cable production but it happens to be produced for a Major League baseball team. Truly addicting and captivating in a strange strange way.

The name "Social Hour" confuses me to all ends. I am not sure if its meant as in Social as in "Talking Baseball" or trying to angle Social as in Social Media interaction. The show allows its viewers to tweet in questions periodically throughout the show but that's not the focus of the production.

Kurt Bevacqua is easily the best co host the show has put on the couch. He gets loose and his sense of humor is dry and goofy. Let this dude have a few cocktails and speak his honest mind. Bevacqua seems like he could be a 70's cocktail lounge singer and that personality always works in the world of entertainment.

(Click to Enlarge)

Think I'm pretty much blackballed from tweeting into the show after my twitter run in with host Jesse Alger last week. I hit him up with a tweet to help the show after the host got no showed by co host Randy Jones and the co host was literally a backpack. But I think he took as a shot and got defensive quick. Had to bring out my twitter sword when he wanted to dance…

(Click to Enlarge)

Full disclosure is I think Agler ain't bad but he is dying for some help on the show and possible some creative ideas to make the show somewhat entertaining.

My official plan to save the show…

1. New location. Having this show locked in the basement of the Western Metal building is depressing. Too dark and quiet. I would plop the set at different social locations throughout the park. Bar on third floor of Western Metal Building. Also rotate around the different bars to cross promote different areas of the park that most fans have never seen and might entice them to check out one day. I would also bring the show to local bars like Bubs and Basic.

2. Couches would be thrown in the dumpster. Need high top bar tables and the guys drinking some adult drinks. Seeing guys lounging on a couch makes me want to take a nap. Could sell sponsorships rights to beers promoted during the show and it would also loosen up the guys because everyone seems tight on the show.

3. Road Games - I would bring this show to some of the road games. Maybe some of the big NL west games and other interesting lively parks like Wrigley and Busch Stadium. I always love the idea of going into someone else barn and start squawking at the locals. You could have guests from the rival town to spice up the dynamic on set as well. I'm an idea guy and not a logistic guy. So this would probably be difficult but entertaining at least.

4. Honesty - I get that this shows core is to promote the product of the Padres but the show needs more honesty in the form of criticism. When the team sucks they should be able to lay into the team and be critical.

5. Less Baseball Talk - I mean cover baseball but also do segments that promote the social aspect of baseball. The pre game show that follows Social Hour basically goes over everything that they cover.

(Ex. Tonight should've ripped in Pujols jawing the Padres bench last night. Then, let Bevacqua tell stories of trash talking back in his playing days. Bet he has some gems.)

5. Me - I would make this show better. Tough sell to management letting a former fired Padres employee come back and play the role of the cynical fan. But, the show needs something and I am something. Speaking my mind to management got me fired. Speaking my mind could help save the show.

P.S.  Really hope the shows producer named "Blooper" already had that name prior to the show. I can't spin or defend that move. Cameraman probably is named Slugger.

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