Tuesday, May 12, 2015


CNN- The NFL has suspended New England Patriots' quarterback Tom Brady for four games without pay in relation to the "Deflategate" incident in which the team was found to have used underinflated footballs for an advantage in the playoffs.
Brady's agent blasted the punishment and promised to appeal the decision.
The Patriots were also fined $1 million and will forfeit its first-round selection in the 2016 NFL Draft and fourth-round pick in the 2017 draft, the league announced Monday.

The people have waited long enough for my official take on Deflategate. The people shall wait no more. The whole situation is so blown of control that even the commissioner knows he has lost control. Dropping a hammer suspension and then going into hiding is Goodell's move and its sad. 

The league suspension is ABSURD. Considering in the by laws the act that the Patriots have been deem probable of committing states a 20k fine. Same as our hometown Chargers did a few years back. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2012-11-07/sports/sns-rt-us-nfl-chargers-finebre8a705v-20121107_1_towels-san-diego-chargers-nfl
The suspension is based on the Patriots being an arrogant organization that is uber successful. Goodell obviously felt pressured to do something dramatic to appease the majority of the NFL population that clearly isn't in love with the Patriots. But, even reasonable people think Goodell again blew it and has nailed himself in a coffin with this outrageous sanction.

It's is beyond obvious why the Wells report took over 4 months to complete. They never had concrete evidence and they knew the report would look shaky unless they piled a 243 page report that that concludes with probables of an infraction. The NFL bungled the whole operation from the word go and have been meeting for months on how to properly leak and report info to make them look less bad.

My official take on what actually happened. It's obvious Brady likes the ball towards the lower end of the PSI spectrum. The Balls boys obviously prep the balls to the QB desired specifics. The ball boys just did a shitty job of getting the balls low and rushed after pre game warm ups to get the balls down to the 12.5 or whatever Brady wanted them at. The two guys that were in charge of this "operation" aren't exactly M.I.T. bound.

Also, if you think the rest of the league doesn't prep their balls for their QB you are flat out retarded. Pretty weird how quiet every starting QB has been about this topic of prepping the game balls. I bet there are a few QB's out there that are not very happy that their will be more eyes on every game ball moving forward. 

All in all I am actually VERY happy this all happened. In the end the suspension will be brought down to 2 or 1 game bc they will protest the suspension and it will be impossible for a independent consultant to uphold a penalty based on probability with the only comparable cases resulting in minor financial fines. The Patriots will end up rallying around this and decapitate the league(If they can figure out who exactly is actually playing the cornerback position for them this year). They will be right back in the AFC championship game in a quick few months with another opportunity to bring home another title. This might actually make the regular season interesting for the first time one a long time for Patriot fans.

P.S.  The 4th round pick being included in this discipline was by far the funniest about the sanctions. It came completely out of left field and proves Goodell has no clue on how to properly penalize teams. I picture him sitting in his office throwing darts at a suspension board and praying it makes sense.

P.S.S.  Having bounty gate being a fine of 500k for concrete evidence of audio recordings of coaches incentivizing players to injure your opponent while fining the Patriots Double (1 million dollars) for half a pound of PSI in a football is scary dumb. 

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