Monday, May 25, 2015

1st Official - How My Brain Works

This is…

The Same as this…

Ramsay Bolton is Lebron James. Lebron James is Ramsay Bolton. Matt Dellavedova is Reek Greyjoy. Reek Greyjoy is Matt Dellavedova. I basically stayed up all night pondering if we are being trolled in the most elaborate HBO/NBA diabolical cross promotion of all time. Then, I realized that these situations are just too similar and both Lebron/Ramsay are just big time dickheads with power.

Both are self proclaimed "Kings" and think they will go down as the best of all time. Both are not very well liked by the people around them as can be told through body language of straight fear. Both have WAY too much power.

Full disclosure - I think the actor who plays Ramsay Bolton is easily the best actor on Game of Thrones. Him and King Geoffrey are/were such great actors because they make you hate them. If one elicits emotion through acting that is the pinnacle of that profession. Also, I am in the camp that Lebron James is the best physical athlete that I have ever seen. His combo of talent and physical ability can only be compared to Bo Jackson in my lifetime. He just lacks the same mental capacity that Jordan possessed. Ask Tiger Woods if mental capacity matters in performing. Also, He like Ramsay, Makes it REAL easy to hate. The Guy couldn't be less humble or socially aware in the sense of honest humility. My only question with Bron Bron is what will happen if the guy actually gets hurt and not fake hurt? 

I am copyrighting the phrase "The Self Proclaimed King Who Cried Wolf" and will sell a billion kids books in the Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, And Oakland area.

Both induce hate and make you watch every "episode" of there relative field. 

P.S.  If you aren't rooting for Golden State in the finals and you're from anywhere outside of Cleveland you need to go drink some Drain-O. 

P.P.S.  Obviously my brain is now comparing and analyzing Steph Curry to Arya Stark. Both look like they are 14 and are my only hope to beat evil that is coming soon. Winter is coming. Lebron is coming.

P.P.S  Also Timofey Mozgov is a Giant Wildling. No brainer there.

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