Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Trade Rivers Now

The fact that people are debating that trading Rivers are flat out NUTS. Why pay a guy that literally has zero shot of winning a title a new contract that eats a solid portion of your cap?  He is not getting any better and the team is a semi rebuilding mode. Makes No Sense.

Chargers should dump this clown for value to anyone that will take him. Rivers will play another 3-4 years in the league and be the same QB somewhere else. Shot putting balls into the flat at receivers feet and complaining to whoever the poor soul who is his center.

He has never been a winner and will never bring a team to glory. Not to mention that bum doesn't even want to commit to the organization. Bonkers to beg a loser to stick around and continually battle for 8-9 wins a year. Screams average and that is why San Diego gets a soft wrap nationally.

Classic interaction between local radio host Marty "Home Town" Caswell….

(Click to Enlarge)

Basically Caswell wants to resign Rivers because he won a playoff game 8 years ago with a hurt knee. She must think Big Ben is a GOD with injuries and a slew of AFC championship appearances. Grow up Martha.

P.S.   Chargers would have at least 1 banner if #9 was still running the ship. That 2006 team could've rolled to a title with Brees and LT along with that defense. Also would've help if Schottenheimer ran the ball once in the second half of that Playoff game.

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