Sunday, April 19, 2015

I'm Obsessed with this St. Louis Chick

(NEWSER) – Kendall Schler was the first woman to cross the finish line in Sunday's St. Louis Marathon, but it turns out she took a short cut. Race officials have stripped her of the win after determining that she slipped onto the course late, after the final checkpoint, and cruised to victory, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. What's more, officials then looked into her supposed third-place finish last year and found that to be fishy as well. It, too, has been disqualified. After this year's race, officials couldn't figure out why the timing strip on her race bib had recorded no times—it should have clocked her at seven different spots along the route.
Schler said she had removed the timing strip, but officials didn't buy it, especially after none of the officials on the course remembered seeing her anywhere. That's difficult to imagine happening because of the attention focused on the leaders during the race. The new winner is graduate student Andrea Karl, who finished about four minutes after Schler, only to be informed to her surprise that she took second place. (Bicyclists that accompany the leader were with her, notes KSDK-TV.) She missed out on the winner's photo with Olympian Jackie Joyner-Kersee, but she'll get belated glory and the $1,500 prize.

I am enamored with this chicks gusto. She did the exact same thing last year and came in third. Wake up St Lu! Some might say that this broad is bat shit crazy. Not me. I look at Schler and respect the hell out of her. Imagine what other lies and stunts she has pulled in her life?  DIABOLICAL BROAD. Imagine dating this girl?  Everyday you would wake up and have to have your head on a swivel. Adventure city!

Hey St Lu- Stop being such a mouth breather of a city. This lady is just trolling you into oblivion. Might want to look out for her next year when she will pull the exact same stunt. I hope she pulls the ultimate move and wins the wheelchair division right in everyones eyeball.

Quick shootout to the original marathon cheater diva Miss Rosie Ruiz. At least this broad took the train and knew that there basically wasn't technology when she pulled this stunt.

P.S.  Also Happy Marathon Monday to all my Boston People. Hands down the best day of the year in the best city in the world. It is such a bucket list event that can't be described unless you go and experience. Drink a billion beers and go set up shop at either heartbreak hill or down on Boylston street. #BostonStrong

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