Sunday, April 26, 2015

Padres Fans Stink

Padres fans are getting their teeth kicked in this weekend. As embarrassing as it gets. I wouldn't be shocked if the Doyers fans are stealing their women as well. Having my wife (SD Native) ask if they were playing in LA because of the ovation for Adrian is all you need to know about this crowd. They are as soft as it gets. ZERO home field. More like negative home field advantage. Absolutely demoralizing to the Padres team when home feels like a viking ship just landed and their people have been overpowered by a dominate more passionate fan base.

The new Padres players are getting a quick lesson in soft serve fans early in the season. Its truly embarrassing letting a fan base invade your barn and dominate you. This is a citywide epidemic. The Patriots come into town every two years and pillage San Diego. Beat them up all over the field and embarrass the locals all week off it.

San Diego is just not a passionate sports town and never will be. People can chirp excuses all day but its useless. Locals would argue reasons why they get abused harder than actually cheering at a local event.

Having a raucous home crowd can truly be a tipping point in bringing a good team to the next level. Will NEVER happen is this soft city.

( Click To Enlarge )
Local Padres Beat Writer...

My first law that I would put into order if I became King of SD would be to tie down every resident and make them watch the NHL Playoff hockey fan bases in Long Island/Chicago/Winnipeg/Calgary. Those fans just get it.

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