Thursday, April 2, 2015

Padres 2015 Season Preview

I don't hate the Padres as a team. How can you hate a team that has been so blah for majority of the past decade?  You really haven't had anyone on the team in the last 10 years that moved the needle emotional besides Peavy and Adrian. The team has pretty much been as boring and unwatchable as can possible be. They didn't have guys on the team that truly pissed you off or excited anyone. Adrian was the only guy that you would sit down to watch.

However, I can't say the same for certain individuals in charge of business down there on Park Ave. Most people that work there are good people doing a good job.

(Full disclosure)

I worked for the Padres for 5 years on the business side and was fired in 2013. I was too loud with my thoughts on how the business (sales) side was run incorrectly. I have bad taste in my mouth for a few people down there from an ethical and integrity standpoint. But, adding talent to your roster can help counteract stupidity on the business side.

Offseason Moves

Love them. Simply it was a needed shot of excitement that the club DESPERATELY needed. Nothing is worse in life than apathy and that's exactly what San Diego has experienced for too long regarding their ball club.

I wouldn't rank any of the offseason pickups as the biggest/most important. It would obviously would have been Upton but it clearly looks like he will be a rental player. The biggest move was the change in direction of club mindset by their GM AJ Preller. This dude looks like a psychopathic serial killer and I love it. He has added talent and excitement with overall not spending a ton of money relatively speaking. Most of the players he has added is relatively cheap in relation to talent acquired in 2015.

-Kemp deal partially paid by Dodgers
-Myers still young and cheap
-Upton is a 1 yr deal.
-Shields was paid below market rate (His Agent FUCKED up) and Preller took full advantage of being one of the only chairs left when the music stopped

P.S. I don't understand the Norris deal at all. Young pitching staff (Sans Shields) needs a better defensive catcher. If he slumps, he will be useless for the Padres. I see Norris as an average DH in the AL.

P.P.S. Cashner will hate him as a battery mate and probably will have a different guy behind the dish very soon when he pitches or might from the word go.

I think the Padres should push all their chips to the middle of the table and deal top prospects (Hedges & Renfroe) to Philly for Rancho Bernardo's own Cole Hamels. He is expensive but you would be taking over a contract with not as many years as adding a #1 in free agency. I think Shields is a good pitcher but not a championship team #1. He would be a fantastic #2. Letting Cashner and Ross settle in and grow in the back end of the rotation. Finally, hoping that something (Talent) comes from the farms system as #5 starter. The Bullpen will be fine and the Park will make average guys really good. Especially in night games.

The most telling aspect of the new attitude of the Padres ownership will show its colors at 2 specific times in the next 8 months. The obvious is the long term plans with Justin Upton. That guy is getting PAID this offseason. I will be shocked if the Padres pony up and keep this guy in town. (I will eat my hat if Upton is on the Padres in 2016)

I will not be surprised if the Padres move him before July 31 if they start slow in the first 3 months. The other guy to sneaky watch out for them to move if they stumble is Shields. His contract is kinda back loaded with no no-trade clause included. His contract will be enticing to big market clubs looking for a good #2.

If ownership sells off parts this year it will infuriate the small loyal hardcore segment of Padre fans. Could be uglier than just staying a boring cheap team like in the past.

Stadium Updates

Everything I have read and seen looks like the stadium is making great strides in becoming a more entertaining ballpark. Petco Park is a GREAT day park and a Horrendous night park. Petco park has the electricity of a library during a night game. I assume the new sound system and jumbotron will go a long way along with the bolstered roster of making the place more enjoyable for everyone once the sun goes down.

Still think they should get rid of the majority of 2nd level in RF and make that a beer garden. That makes too much sense though.

Official Prediction

My official Hot Take Season prediction for the San Diego Padres will end up 88-74. Be right in the mix of things for a Wild Card spot and Division title. This season will define how the Padres operate as an organization for the next five years. Might as well take advantage while the other team in town is talking relocation.

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