Friday, April 17, 2015

My Boy Wayne

This is my new boy. His name is Wayne Partello and he is the SVP CMO of the San Diego Padres. Wayne started his tenure with the Padres about 2 weeks before I was fired from the front office.

My only interaction with him was passing him in the hallway. Loved that this guy didn't have a tie on. Its a simple thing that I heavily judge. You take yourself too serious in SD if you rock a tie or someone else is forcing you to wear one. Ties are nooses. Hate Ties.

He seems like a normal guy with a great job that enjoys his life. Can't hate on that. Also I am assuming he is a Boston kid. All Boston guys are pretty much better than everyone else. Facts are facts.

Partello is very active on Social media with the fans and you can only respect that in today's era of technology. He probably engages with some wackos that aren't worth the time but I respect the effort. He has now worked for 2 locations that aren't exactly sports havens (Miami/SD). He has his work cut out to grow the fan base but also doesn't have to deal with a huge hardcore segment like some other markets.

Wayne has hustled his way up the chain from a Boston rock radio station to his current gig running the marketing scene for a major league baseball club. Pretty sure that includes no formal college education to boot. Really impressive. That just proves that he is great at relationship building. He will definitely need to use that skill set in this town that has an attention level to sports like a 9 year old with A.D.D.

Only thing I can complain about is the "Padres Social Hour". The show is really good at helping people that have difficulties falling asleep to fall to sleep. REM cycle city.

Here is my liquid gold plan to save this show:

1. Scrap that set. Throw it in the bar with some rowdy fans around you.

2. Have the hosts be at a high top table with a beer. Could position the local breweries that have sponsorship deals. (Money never sleeps)

3. Anyone over the age where you can legally accept social security needs to take a hike. Old people hate social media.

3. Allow hosts to be negative if need be and not just slobber the product.

4. Hire me. I am AWESOME at being negative and critical. (See 3rd sentence of blog)

Everyone: How you so smart Mark?

Me: Natural born talent. Can't teach it. Just born with it.

Also lose the headsets and button down shirts. Everyone looks like a nerd.

P.S. Never allow poop brown pants on TV. 

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