Sunday, April 19, 2015

I Hate Lebron

CBSsports.comCleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James said Thursday, and we're not kidding, that his return to Cleveland vs. the Knicks (no really, the Knicks) is "probably one of the biggest sporting events that's up there ever."

I opened my eyes this morning at 3:45AM and just uttered "Lebron" with absolute disgust. Wife immediately threw me out of bed.  I tried to cool off by walking my beautiful dog and we talked about how big of a chump the self proclaimed King is. Only got me more fired up.

I'm not a guy who hates on this guy as an athlete. Lebron is a once in a lifetime athlete. Just HATE EVERYTHING else. I got to meet this dude once in SD and he referred to himself as Bron Bron. He asked if I wanted an autograph and when I said "nope".  I think I shook his soul to the core. Biggest win of my life was seeing shock in this frauds eyes. (If you're a grown man and ask for an autograph you should go play in traffic)

The Audacity this guy has with his self awareness makes my blood boil which I sneaky love that he is in my life. When my blood overheats is when I'm truly alive. I look at the city of Cleveland like everyone else and feel bad for that poop city. BUT…But…But… I still never want to see Bron Bron bring a title there. I hope its the Browns that bring that town glory someday.

Side Tangent - Hey Browns, What the hell are you thinking changing the uniforms? Literally the only good thing your franchise had since Belichick. 

It also drives me nuts that he has hair plugs. If you're a billionaire you need to do better. You either make it look real good and luxurious/outrageous like my boy Travolta or bic it. Also black guys look great bald.

Also GTFO my face if you think Lebron will ever touch MJ levels. The conversation ends when you look in their eyes. MJ would rip your throat out and then feed it back to you to suffocate his opponent in a game of hopscotch. Bron Bron would prob go down with cramp and ask a bunch of 7 year old girls to carry him off the pavement.

P.S. I would give ANYTHING to make the Celtics win at least 2 games in this series. Would KILL to see Lebron blame everyone in the city of Cleveland before himself. I would drink those Lebron tears and slap high 5's with my dog all night.

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