Thursday, April 2, 2015

SD Sports Radio Power Rankings

I am utterly obsessed with sports talk radio. Boston Sports talk radio was used as my therapist before all the Red Sox WS championship success. Always loved how people were crazy irrationally and that the hosts just stirred the pot.

Upon my arrival in San Diego back in 2005, I quickly started searching for my "Local Guy" and it was EASILY the toughest transition from the relocation from the Great Northeast. The SD local guys were so soft and very forgiving of the local squads. No one asked tough questions or bashed anyone. I was beside myself and couldn't care less of the success of the Chargers and Padres.

I quickly realized it was simply a different culture out here. Sports is more of a loose entertainment tool in San Diego while back on the east coast sports is part of your family. Passion drives emotions.

I now accept the fact that I live in a non sports town and have started to embrace some of the local guys. Here is my current power rankings of the local sports talking heads...


1. Darren Smith

Darren has the right combination of pessimism and negativity that makes for a perfect radio host. He is easily the best interviewer in town. He asks tough and awkward questions that need to be asked to the right people. He put Mike Dee in a pretzel when interviewing him about the Padres decision to name the Bud Selig Plaza. We need more guys like Darren in SD.

I believe this guy could pick up and move to the East (power) coast and fit in well.

Guy also likes futbol and that gave him extra points in my ranking system.

2. Scott Kaplan

I didn't like this guy when I first landed in SD. Scott (1090AM) was the first guy I listened to when out here. I couldn't comprehend his style and then I realized the market isn't sports crazed.  I have come around on him lately because of his ground work with pushing the stadium situation problems and trying to save the Chargers in SD. He conducted an incredible show recently with live interviews with both Mark Fabiani and Mayor Faulconer.

Scott will never be accused of being politically correct which I respect. I also think Jews are self depricating and funny. Big fan of the Jews.

(Lots of I's in that breakdown. Ego like you read about.)

3. Judson Richards

Judson is an easy listen. He sounds like a guy that you are talking with in a bar about sports topics. Also runs a solo show that takes an immense amount of talent. He is a realist when it comes to the local team performance which is unique in SD radio. I need better guests for him to interview so we can see his true talent.

Got big time negative points for being against tailgating.

4. Jeff Dotseth

I listen to Jeff (1360AM) every morning on my way to work. He is a perfect mix of AM comedy with sports. He keeps things light with showing his passion for his hometown. Always been a huge proponent of radio guys that grew up in the town that they call sports in.

He has weird obsession with karate kid and think he is contractually obliged to drop lines from that movie every hour.


1. Dan Sileo

If you can make it through 5 minutes of listening to this guy you must be deaf. It simply amazes me that this guy gets paid to share thoughts. Brutal on top of brutal on top of brutal.

Taking top spot in worst radio host in San Diego is borderline the most impressive thing in the world. It's a daily dogfight but Sileo is the reigning undisputed king of bad radio.

2. Billy "BR" Smith

I'm not sure if BR knows whats going on at any given time. He has an uncanny nervous laugh that is something else. If the topic doesn't have something directly involving the act fball - He might as well take a lap around the block during his show.

Some of his interview questions are 100% scripted by an intern.

3. Lee "Hacksaw" Hamilton

I'm not 100% sure he isn't a cartoon. At best he is a human cartoon. His radio and twitter shtick is hilarious about the "15 best". There is giant chance this guy ends up in a mental hospital very soon. When people back east ask me what SD sports radio is like - I send them a pic of Hacksaw.

3. John "Coach" Kentera

I have nothing negative to say about the big guy. Seems like a really nice guy but it simply doesn't translate to radio. When he sometimes teams up with BR it is unintentional comedy at its highest level.

His twitter game is unreal. His spelling and grammar on twitter makes me look like Nobel prize winner.

4. Marty Caswell 

Marty is 1090's sports mule. Seems like they send her everywhere and she loves it. Every time she interviews anyone she rocks a non wireless mic and it drives me bananas. Her interviews are softer than warm poop in a bag.

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