Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I Love Wil Myers Cockiness

CBS SPORTS -Coming into 2015, you could make the argument Padres outfielder Wil Myershadn't yet reached his full potential or lived up to the hype that followed him as a top prospect in the minors. Apparently, any type of talk like that didn't sit too well with the 24-year-old outfielder.
"He told me early in spring training that he heard little whispers this winter that maybe he was not the player everyone made him out to be," Padres manager Bud Black said, per "I think that bothered him."
Myers has already been traded twice in his young career, with the latest deal being in December that shipped him from the Rays to the Padres.
"More than anything, I am playing with a chip on my shoulder," Myers said. "Last year was the first bad year I had in my pro career. When Tampa traded me away, I felt they had given up on me.
"Almost everything I do is to be able to prove (the Rays) wrong."
Thus far, Myers is off to a good start to his Padres career. Myers, who is primarily hitting leadoff, is batting .283 with one home run, five doubles, eight RBI and 13 runs in 14 games.
"He told me early in spring training he was going to show that he should hit third, fourth or fifth," Black said. "I said, 'Wait a minute. You are not going to hit third or fourth because of the two guys [Justin Upton and Matt Kemp] we have here. Let's go in my office and sit down. Let's put a projected team together out there. You don't want to hit leadoff, so who's going to hit leadoff?' I told him, 'If you hit leadoff every day you might get the most at-bats in the NL,'"

Love this kids swagger and overall effort for playing well out of his normal position. Obviously there were a lot of red flags with Myers attitude being traded twice in his career with the natural talent that he possesses. I love wild cards and red flag guys on my baseball squad. Cooperstown is full of cocky assholes.

The Padres had a bunch of nerds on their team the last few years. I'm looking at you Chase Headley and Adrian Gonzalez. Myers will piss opponents off with his disposition and I for one LOVE it. Need those guys in the lineup that ruffle some feathers on the opposing team. Baseball is full of superstars and most of them are dickheads. Padres finally have some dickheads on their team that can rake. 

This Padres squad should turn full heel and pimp everything off the bat. I want the bad boy life in SD and I want it now. 

P.S. Huge Series this weekend coming up with the Doyers coming to town. Big series for the Padres Bandwagon crew as well. If they get outnumbered and bullied by the visiting LA fans I will be dropping a scorching hot take SD fans are the worst blog coming in real hot on Monday morning.

P.P.S.  Padres are really good. 

P.P.P.S  Padres defense is circus of chaos. Sometimes it feels like you are watching a little league team bc horrendous errors feel somewhat normal already. Going to be their Achilles heel if they make it to October.

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