Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dear Bandwagon SD Fan

Dear Padres Bandwagon Fan-

I can already tell you are going to be the worst. You have complained for years that there have been no recognizable players on the Padres roster for years. You have a legit team that is exciting to watch and has potential. The team will need the support to help it through the grind of the baseball marathon season.

The Padres announced a paid attendance of 19 thousand which really means there were about 15 thousand down at the ballpark last night. Completely unacceptable. Mon - Thurs there should be an average of 30k at Petco. Don't cry when ownership pulls the plug on the payroll come 2017. Come enjoy it now before this team is back to being unwatchable.

Hey SD fake fan guy who claims there is more to do in this town than other towns. You're just dead wrong. That statement just proves the average fan in SD is terrible. No argument to make. 4/5 of the games are at night. I have lived in 4 cities and SD has by FAR the least to do out of those towns at night. Your only "out" using that HORRENDOUS excuse is sundays on the beach.

You are the reason why there is zero home field difference. You sit on your hands in all the big spots and clap when a gorilla is on the big screen. You are also the reason why other towns invade San Diego and humiliate the local fans at Petco & Qualcomm.

P.S. Think the Padres need a little more time taking infield practice.

4-0 when not making an error this season
0-4 when committing an error this season

Hot Take Alert :

My eye test says that the Dbacks will be a tougher matchup for the Padres than the Giants. Giants are TERRIBLE.

Need more assholes like this at the park. Preferably with a few adult sodas in him while chirping everyone on the opposing team and fan base.

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