Monday, June 1, 2015

Meet the Biggest Gangster of all time. My Boy Sepp. - Meet Sepp Blatter. Still the most powerful man in the world's most popular game, scandal be damned.
You could also call the 79-year-old Swiss national a survivor, after he clung to his job as FIFA's president Friday. He won a fifth term despite a week marked by arrests, investigations in the United States and Switzerland and questions about whether he was the right man to rebuild the reputation of soccer's governing body.
It wasn't a slam dunk, and Blatter failed to get the required 140 votes in the first round of voting to prevail. (He got 133, compared to 73 for Jordan's Prince Ali bin al-Hussein.) But with the writing on the wall -- since Blatter would only need a simple majority of votes in the next round to win -- Prince Ali conceded.
"I take the responsibility to bring back FIFA," Blatter said, promising he would leave after his four-year term ends. "And I am convinced we can do it."
Just how did Blatter survive?
He is a masterful political operator and his knack for getting off clean amid scandal -- or at least without being directly tied to wrongdoing in the soccer world -- is uncanny.

Sepp Blatter is already my favorite villain of all time. I barely knew the man existed a week ago and now I have a full on villain man crush on him. His speech after winning reelection was an all time speech. I stood up and clapped when he was dropping lines of cockiness all over the people who just reelected him.
I mean I don't like the whole situation going down in Qatar with the slavery and all but besides that I am all on board with how FIFA runs their scheme. I would like to believe that FIFA didn't have a clue how bad the society is in Qatar with how they treat their working force. 
FIFA is a private organization that is crazy successful. Their only issue is their product is super public. If you sit on your couch and think that uber successful companies don't make huge back end deals/bribes to keep on top your NUTS. United States has a littered history of CEO's "Donating" money to certain politicians that back their organization directly or indirectly.
I would be running the same business as these guys and anyone who wouldn't would be an idiot. The only mistakes these clowns did and what many other cocky organizations do is they got too wide. They have too many people in the know and they are borderline senile. Thats a recipe for a business disaster. 
The fact that my boy Sepp survived this monster controversy the same week of the FIFA election process is insane. It proves how powerful and how many people he owns on the inside of FIFA. 
The other bananas storyline with my boy Sepp is that this motherfucker is 79 years old. I will be lucky if I know where my pants are if I ever get to that age. The fact that this old ass dude has a death grip on the worlds most popular sport is INCREDIBLE. I cannot wait for the real story of Sepp Blatter to come out some day. I will be drinking a smooth bourbon and toasting to one of the biggest gangsters of all time.

I will watch this speech whenever I want to get my cockiness on back on point in times of softness. I can't watch this speech without clapping and yelping with joy. Cocky respect cocky. Sepp Blatter has a PHD in cockiness and I for one respect the hell out of him.

Sepps speech almost beat out my favorite old guy speech of all time but my boy Byrd from West Virginia is the King….

P.S.  Did this blog on 7 hours of sleep in last 4 days. NBD. Apparently my new baby daughter could care less about my energy levels or me sleeping in general. Respect that power move. Def my kid.

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