Thursday, June 4, 2015

I'm Obsessed with Brian Windhorst

Wikipedia- Brian Windhorst, also known as "Windy" or "Scoop", (born January 29, 1978) is an American sportswriter for who covers theNational Basketball Association (NBA). He was the Cleveland Cavaliers beat writer for the Akron Beacon Journal from 2003 through the summer of 2008, and began to work for Cleveland newspaper The Plain Dealer in October 2008. He moved to ESPN in 2010 after LeBron James left the Cleveland Cavaliers for the Miami Heat.

I am embarrassed with how obsessed I am over this dude Brian Windhorst. The man is a paid stalker. He literally stalks Lebron James life and gets paid to do so by ESPN. Wherever LBJ goes so does my man Windy.

I like to imagine Windhorst lives in a one bedroom studio with thousands of pictures of Lebron James glued to his walls with arrows pointing in every direction like a serial killers house in the movies. House is obviously littered with KFC buckets EVERYWHERE.

In a society where we are uber conscience of creeps, My man Windy is capitalizing on it. If Lebron Moves, Windy Moves. Lebron says something absurd (everyday), Windy spins it to try to make Lebron  look like less of an asshole.

What would happen to this guys life and career if Lebron James were to be no more?  This guy is a little past his prime to start a new hunt. I can see him getting arrested for trespassing on a elementary school yard trying to find his new white whale or a pizza delivery guy.

I have tons of questions with him. What does he do in his off time? Does Lebron let him have off time?  Is he a good bowler?  Whats his normal days diet?  What's his power rankings of candy?  Does he crush as much ice cream as I think he does?  So many questions constantly running through my skull whenever I see this guy.

P.S. Windhorst caught a lot of heat for his "Hot Take" on Riley Curry being present for press conferences and I couldn't agree with him more. She is cute as fuck but those pressers are annoying as fuck as well.

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