Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Chargers Podcast with "Bigtime" Eddie Quinn

Jumped on the tube and shot a pretty terrible Pod with everyones favorite FanBoy Edwin "Big Time" Quinn. I will come and say this right away that this pod was not very good and ran about 30 mins too long. I completely blame Ed obvi. 

Basically I didn't prep because I thought Ed would drop a quick had to go play golf with (Insert a D list sports celeb) and he wanted to hit up Donovan's bc he needed a sober driver to drive said "Celeb" home.

Also - I was battling the sniffles and basically don't sleep now because I'm an awesome dad. #Warrior #BurbsLife 

*Shot before the Rivers Deal was announced*

Couple real quick comments...

1. Shot out to that apparent gray hair glob behind my right ear. Equal shout out to my Man Edwin's hairline. Poss side bet might have to be made on which situation gets more noticeable faster.

2. Kinda shaky on a lot of stats. I didn't prep because of my sniffles but Ed not knowing Chargers week 1 opponent last year and ravens game outcome is unforgivable. We were real off on Steelers 2014 season.

3. Ed having a roommate and getting married is fucking Crazytown USA. Cant decide who is the bigger lunatic for agreeing to live in that situation. (Going swimming at 10pm on a Friday night is the biggest clue that you live with a serial killer FYI)

4. 32 minute mark camera stayed on Ed a little too long and that smile proves he couldn't believe his own brain believe he said Rivers was elite.

5. 38 minute mark Ed goes from Rothlesberger is a bad QB to he is a good QB in about 15 seconds. I basically put him in the Doherty spin cycle real quick.

6. 28 minute mark Eddie dropped the worst excuse in the history of mankind. Then immediately backed off. Classic San Diego move.

7. If I was a lawyer and Ed was being cross examined it would be ugly for whatever Eddie was trying to say 72% of the time.

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