Sunday, August 30, 2015

Coach Sark Getting Turnt

Washington Post - On Saturday, Sarkisian appeared to slur his words and used profanity during a pep rally for the team and major donors to the program. ESPN released video showing Sarkisian shouting from the podium, “Get ready to f—— fight on, baby, let’s go!”
“Fight on” is one of the school’s slogans.

On Monday, Sarkisian said his problems Saturday stemmed from mixing alcohol with an undisclosed medication.

- I was so #TeamDrunkSark until this excuse came out of his mouth. I hate weak excuses and this one is such a "go to" one when someone gets loose. People would much more respect if he just said, "My job is stressful as fuck with managing a bunch of large teenagers to play well bc millions of dollars are on the line with how successful our season is and I am going through a shitty divorce so from time to time I get shifted drunk. Deal with it."

          *Probably have colleges offering me PR jobs by sundown now*

- I also throw a ton of blame on whoever gave Sark the OK to get on stage. Obvi you need to give any idiot a once over and make a speak check before you let a meathead get on stage. Need that intern fired ASAP.

- Sneaky love the blind confidence of Sark saying Oregon/ASU/Notre Dame all suck. Coach Sark is a combine 0 for 9 against those teams. Oregon has outscored Sark 295 to 88.

-  If this happened in the SEC the coach would probably get a raise and a 6 figure sponsorship deal for any of his favorite booze brands.

- The PC police are so out of control these days. I would be more shocked if my D1 coach didn't drop F bombs in public.

- I was blown away when I went to the ASU vs USC game last year. The atmosphere there STINKS. People were sitting on their hands and it was a library. Maybe my boy Sark was trying to show the people how to get a little loose to help create some home field advantage. USC gave up 3 TD's in final 3 minutes. Some could argue that's on their on defensive backs but I would blame the weak crowd just as much. It's on the assholes in the stand to absolutely crush the souls of the opponents when your squad is up by 21.

*If you listen real hard you can hear me laughing my ass off. It was the best Over cover of my life. 27 points in 4 minutes. O/U was 67.5*

- I see this issue and any other issue that arises in August as simply that people are clearly over summer and need the fall football season to start. Men don't know how to function in public when there is no exciting sports on TV. (Baseball gets exciting again in September)

- It honestly feels like the Padres aren't playing baseball anymore. like a tree falling in the forest type of way.

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