Friday, September 11, 2015

Real Quick (Long) Patriots Hate Rant

The hate and media firestorm of anything that happens with the Pats is officially out of control. I first had a great time with the banter. Now their success has gotten so far away from the fact that they have a Top 2 QB of ALL TIME that might be the best when its all said and done. Also, the success has gotten so far away from the simple fact the coaching staff is just better than the opposing coaching staff almost every week.

Tomlin woke up this morning and was hoping he quick press rant still masked the fact that his coaching performance was embarrassing. If Big Ben didn't wasn't as good as he is(Massively Underrated QB) this game would have been an absolute blood bath. Todd Haley single handily killed their first drive. Tomlin managed the clock as well as a drunk Andy Reid. The fact that the Steelers made basically ZERO halftime adjustments is SHOCKING. Tomlin doubled down in the second half with calling probably the worst hurry up and 2 minute offensive sets. Also, someone please call Tomlin and let him know that the Pats will split Gronk wide on every GL set and throw him the ball when you 1 man D him up. Someone please for competitive sake tell him to Match an LB on him pre shift and then have safety or DB roll to double coverage when he splits wide. (I get up and get a beer when I see Gronk get 1 man'd up on GL because I know whats going to happen 100% of time. It's a suicide mission lining a LB up wide alone with ground. Just ask KJ Wright even on non GL sets Suicide Defense)

I wish I could perform that badly at my job on projects that I'm unprepared for and get away with an excuse that gets eating up like my dog eating his breakfast. Straight inhaling and smiling no matter what.

A story that will obviously not get reported today is this one...  OOOPS. Steelers Headset Issues.

It wasn't reported or a big deal because the story would not drive ratings.

* I was actually shocked to learn that Tomlin ever had his headset on to begin with. I just assumed he did it for looks. Never looks like he actually is doing anything at all. Straight presence coaching.

* Also Props to Big Ben - "There were a few plays that either didn’t come in, but that happens,” Roethlisberger said. “That’s nothing new. I didn’t think there were too many issues tonight with communication between (offensive coordinator) Todd [Haley] and myself.” 

I blame the media at this point and mostly ESPN. The average fan has his morning coffee and fruity pebbles while listening to Sportscaster. Whatever SC says that guy eats up, drives to work, walks to closest cube monkey that is also trying to avoid working, and regurgitates whatever he just hear on SC and truly believes he is an expert who is fully informed.

Local media guys here in SD suck for the most part. Jason Pierre Paul can count on his bad hand how many legit good media members there are in San Diego. Local guys on radio (Looking at Steve Hartman and Mike Costa) are lazy reporters who jump on the Pats hate train either because they know that it gets ratings or that they are lazy at reporting. One segment they will say that Belichick is basically the biggest fraud in the world and follow that up with Gates talk of being in the Hall of Fame. They will talk about less than .5 PSI or usually incorrectly source 2lbs of air pressure and then dismiss the fact that the Chargers manipulated equipment 2 years ago. No shot Rivers could feel that substance on the balls. No shot.

I officially lost it in the last week and I'm not sure I will ever go back on the right end of sanity regarding the Pats. I feel like I'm in a constant court room defending my hometown against everyone. "Everyone" does 3 mins of listening to actually facts and then think they are well informed or just like gang mentally thinking.

Here is me manhandling local sports radio guys per usual... Go to 11:16 Min Mark

I would've been even more enraged but that intro I got was too flattering and I was smiling to start call. Real hard to mad yell when smiling ear to ear.

Not much media talk about how Brady has basically been perfect the last 2 games he has played while every football has been on high security. He is a combined 62 for 82 (76%) with 8 TD's and 617 yards throwing. No one will talk about that because people hate the best when its someone who has won for a long long long time. I guarantee a lot of hacks had to delete pre scripting "Brady Stinks Without Deflated Balls" articles. Like a sad kid not getting picked in kickball and walking back home with his tail between his legs.

Real hard for anyone to just buck up and say the Pats might win a lot because they have arguably the best QB and Coach of ALL Time. Do yourself a favor and watch NFL Networks "Do Your Job" documentary. The preparation this team does makes other coaching staffs around the league poop in their pants. I guess I'll source that fact like ESPN... "Multiple Anonymous Sources".

Live Look at me understanding that all this hate only will fuel my good friends Bill, Brady, Ernie, and everyone else inside the Foxboro compound....

So in recap, I have officially come full circle. I would like to thank all these mouth breathing people who hate on pats and especially the media. Tom and Bill will eat this up and literally try to kill everyone this year. Keep feeding that train because this Pats team this year isn't great but the "Hate" might help them do it again.

P.S.  The Game got a TV rating of 18.0. That is ABSURD.

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