Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lions vs Chargers Preview Pod

Jumped on the Tube very early morning today with everyones favorite Alter boy Eddie "Bigtime" Quinn. Real quick hitter on a preview of todays tilt from two short pasty Irish bums.

Real quick shoutout to Baby Cam. Cam was tittering on a full blown meltdown the entire taping. She more or less self fed herself which is a story in itself being under 100 days old. I also would like to Blame Baby Cam as well for me calling (Ladarius Green) Ladarius Thomas.

No time to sleep when Baby Cam demands to wake up early to bet European soccer.

Official Bets today as of 645am...

DET (+3) @ SD

Saints (+2.5) @ ARZ

St Lu (+4) vs SEA

* I will probably bet the entire board at 6 minutes before kickoff bc I get WAY to excited and just start firing bets like a machine gun fishing in the ocean.

P.S.  Possible post game show podcast based on my sobriety. 17% chance it goes down.

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