Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Padres Social Hour

The "Padres Social Hour" is the best show on TV that you're definitely not watching. It's simply so bad that it's so good. I am borderline obsessed with this show and DVR it daily. I think my wife hates me more than normal while I'm locked into this masterpiece. It is like a bad local town cable production but it happens to be produced for a Major League baseball team. Truly addicting and captivating in a strange strange way.

The name "Social Hour" confuses me to all ends. I am not sure if its meant as in Social as in "Talking Baseball" or trying to angle Social as in Social Media interaction. The show allows its viewers to tweet in questions periodically throughout the show but that's not the focus of the production.

Kurt Bevacqua is easily the best co host the show has put on the couch. He gets loose and his sense of humor is dry and goofy. Let this dude have a few cocktails and speak his honest mind. Bevacqua seems like he could be a 70's cocktail lounge singer and that personality always works in the world of entertainment.

(Click to Enlarge)

Think I'm pretty much blackballed from tweeting into the show after my twitter run in with host Jesse Alger last week. I hit him up with a tweet to help the show after the host got no showed by co host Randy Jones and the co host was literally a backpack. But I think he took as a shot and got defensive quick. Had to bring out my twitter sword when he wanted to dance…

(Click to Enlarge)

Full disclosure is I think Agler ain't bad but he is dying for some help on the show and possible some creative ideas to make the show somewhat entertaining.

My official plan to save the show…

1. New location. Having this show locked in the basement of the Western Metal building is depressing. Too dark and quiet. I would plop the set at different social locations throughout the park. Bar on third floor of Western Metal Building. Also rotate around the different bars to cross promote different areas of the park that most fans have never seen and might entice them to check out one day. I would also bring the show to local bars like Bubs and Basic.

2. Couches would be thrown in the dumpster. Need high top bar tables and the guys drinking some adult drinks. Seeing guys lounging on a couch makes me want to take a nap. Could sell sponsorships rights to beers promoted during the show and it would also loosen up the guys because everyone seems tight on the show.

3. Road Games - I would bring this show to some of the road games. Maybe some of the big NL west games and other interesting lively parks like Wrigley and Busch Stadium. I always love the idea of going into someone else barn and start squawking at the locals. You could have guests from the rival town to spice up the dynamic on set as well. I'm an idea guy and not a logistic guy. So this would probably be difficult but entertaining at least.

4. Honesty - I get that this shows core is to promote the product of the Padres but the show needs more honesty in the form of criticism. When the team sucks they should be able to lay into the team and be critical.

5. Less Baseball Talk - I mean cover baseball but also do segments that promote the social aspect of baseball. The pre game show that follows Social Hour basically goes over everything that they cover.

(Ex. Tonight should've ripped in Pujols jawing the Padres bench last night. Then, let Bevacqua tell stories of trash talking back in his playing days. Bet he has some gems.)

5. Me - I would make this show better. Tough sell to management letting a former fired Padres employee come back and play the role of the cynical fan. But, the show needs something and I am something. Speaking my mind to management got me fired. Speaking my mind could help save the show.

P.S.  Really hope the shows producer named "Blooper" already had that name prior to the show. I can't spin or defend that move. Cameraman probably is named Slugger.

Monday, May 25, 2015

1st Official - How My Brain Works

This is…

The Same as this…

Ramsay Bolton is Lebron James. Lebron James is Ramsay Bolton. Matt Dellavedova is Reek Greyjoy. Reek Greyjoy is Matt Dellavedova. I basically stayed up all night pondering if we are being trolled in the most elaborate HBO/NBA diabolical cross promotion of all time. Then, I realized that these situations are just too similar and both Lebron/Ramsay are just big time dickheads with power.

Both are self proclaimed "Kings" and think they will go down as the best of all time. Both are not very well liked by the people around them as can be told through body language of straight fear. Both have WAY too much power.

Full disclosure - I think the actor who plays Ramsay Bolton is easily the best actor on Game of Thrones. Him and King Geoffrey are/were such great actors because they make you hate them. If one elicits emotion through acting that is the pinnacle of that profession. Also, I am in the camp that Lebron James is the best physical athlete that I have ever seen. His combo of talent and physical ability can only be compared to Bo Jackson in my lifetime. He just lacks the same mental capacity that Jordan possessed. Ask Tiger Woods if mental capacity matters in performing. Also, He like Ramsay, Makes it REAL easy to hate. The Guy couldn't be less humble or socially aware in the sense of honest humility. My only question with Bron Bron is what will happen if the guy actually gets hurt and not fake hurt? 

I am copyrighting the phrase "The Self Proclaimed King Who Cried Wolf" and will sell a billion kids books in the Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, And Oakland area.

Both induce hate and make you watch every "episode" of there relative field. 

P.S.  If you aren't rooting for Golden State in the finals and you're from anywhere outside of Cleveland you need to go drink some Drain-O. 

P.P.S.  Obviously my brain is now comparing and analyzing Steph Curry to Arya Stark. Both look like they are 14 and are my only hope to beat evil that is coming soon. Winter is coming. Lebron is coming.

P.P.S  Also Timofey Mozgov is a Giant Wildling. No brainer there.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Definitive East Coast Vs West Coast Debate

East Coast


West Coast

The People have spoken and they have demanded a thorough breakdown from a well traveled cultured American on a complete analysis of all important matters determining which coast is in fact the best coast.

Full disclosure the East coast will be considered Boston south to D.C. and the West Coast will be considered Cali. All other parts of either coasts are for weirdos and losers. 

Quick Shout Out to Seattle and Charleston S. Carolina. Both spots make the honorable mention list for areas outside the targeted locations but don't move the needle enough in this vital debate.


I have lived in and studied both coasts for over a decade each. I am completely neutral. Somewhat.

Without further adieu…


This is probably the most crucial category when it comes down to comparing the coasts. Each side dominates in some areas but the deciding factors have to be some common ground foods. The east coast MOPS the floor with bread products. Pizza, Bagels, and Sandwiches are all a TKO to the east coast. The West coast has Mexican food in a death grip. Burritos in Cali laugh at burritos on the east Coast.

Seafood is a tie. The east coast has amazing fish but the west coast dominates in Sushi and also has great fish as well (Looking at you Mahi Mahi Fish tacos). Also San Fran Clam chowder is in the same realm as Clam chowder in Boston which hurts me to type that.

The deciding factor came down to Chinese food. In an absolute shocker the East coast DOMINATES the west coast in Chinese food. Legitimate blood bath which makes zero sense considered China is 3 Thousand miles closer to Cali. I have yet to find a solid Pu Pu platter in Cali and that makes me sad. Late night food on the east coast is either Pizza or Nasty Chinese food. Chinese food doesn't even enter my brain walking home from a bar out here.

P.S. The Donut scene is not even up for debate. East coast donuts could create world peace.

Winner - East Coast



A common topic of debate is the West Coasts annihilates the East Coast in the weather department. The west coast definitely wins the category overall but Winter is cool for a about 2 weeks. But don't sleep on a crisp fall day in October with a hot adult beverage.

P.S. Ability to play golf everyday is also a huge deciding blow for the west coast decision.  Also shoveling snow for 3 months straight is demoralizing for east coasters.

Winner - West Coast



Another category that is also used as a usual pillar to a west coasters argument is the Women angle. This category is MUCH closer than everyone thinks overall but the tip of the cap goes to the west coast. Both sides have their fill of beautiful women. But, the west coast has more "Better than average girls" than the east coast. Which is huge when in large groups. Gotta always have that ratio in your favor.

P.S.  East coast girls are meaner and much harder to approach but also MUCH smarter which you can look at either way as a positive or negative. 

P.P.S.  Google searching "Hot Girls" next to my 8.5 month preggo wife didn't go too well and I doubt she talks to me for the remainder of the day. Blogging life ain't for the faint of heart. #Warrior

Winner - West Coast



This is the biggest blowout in the history of mankind. East Coast could teach a post graduate level course on sports while the west coast are trying to stack sports building blocks but probably need nap time before they get cranky.

I could go on and on but it's a waste of everyones time and if you argue this ruling you're an idiot and need to get out of your house.

Winner - East Coast



This Category is depicting the average bro on each coast deemed by me. Both bro's are sweet and you can never hate on bro's. In my head,  I see east coast bros as dudes rocking a Lax penny and throwing Pong 24/7. I see west coast bros as multiple tats and straight chilling on the beach dudes.

A good Bro is hard to find but both coasts are LOADED with bro's everywhere. Full disclosure I'm pretty partial to east coast bro's because I'm pretty sure I was one back in my single days (AKA My best days). 

But, Cali bro's are hilarious and mad chill. Almost too chill though because east coast bros can be argued as too intense. Tough call on the winner of this category but I have to go with my heart and East Coast bros are much better at sports so they win.

Winner - East Coast

Honorable Mention Categories

The College scene and Beer scene were suggested but both are blowouts. East Coast College scene EMBARRASSES the west coast colleges. There are also a billion more schools on the smarter coast. Beer scene on the west coast is simply obnoxious. There is 7 breweries on every street where hipsters compare beards while slugging down quadruple IPA beers. West coast wins the Beer/Wine scene because of sheer numbers.

East coast also celebrates national holidays much better and the west coasts media is a circus of clowns.

Final Decision

Both coasts are awesome because the USA is the best country in the world. The winner of the most debated debate of all time is the East Coast. They win because they have had about 100 years more time to advance as a society (zero research but it sounds right).

P.S.  If we could create a city with San Diego's weather, Boston's Culture, San Francisco's topography, and New York City's Action/nightlife we could create heaven on earth. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Has Joc Pederson's HR Landed yet?

Joc Pederson hit a game-winning solo home run in the eighth inning, giving the Dodgers a 2-1 win over the Padres in a battle of struggling offenses on Friday night at Dodger Stadium.
The Dodgers went scoreless until the fifth inning, running their scoreless streak to 35 consecutive innings, tying the record for franchise futility since the club moved to Los Angeles in 1958.
Pederson slammed a ball deep into the right field pavilion off Joaquin Benoit with one out in the eighth for his 11th home run of the season. The home run came on an 0-2 count and Pederson, who has 47 strikeouts in 166 plate appearances this season, was asked if he shortens up his swing in that count.
"I think you've seen my strikeouts," Pederson said, laughing.

Dear Lord. That was a tough one last night for the hometown boys. Good overall game and awesome performance from Andrew Cashner. He finally looked like he was pitching with a plan and on the same page with his battery mate instead of just throwing. But, Again, The Padres simply just don't score when Cashner is on the bump. Must be extremely frustrating but the outing was a much needed successful display from a pitcher who needed it. He seems like a guy that has somewhat of a strong mindset but the kid needs a win before it makes him overcompensate. Which would be a disaster. 
There is a report out there this morning that Joc Pederson's ball has landed but there are no confirmed reports from credible sources. Missing your spot on an 0-2 count is simply unacceptable. Hitting a ball that far on a shortened swing is insane but proves how bad that pitch actually was.
Someone need to take the lineup card out of buddy's hand and move Kemp to the 5 or 6 hole. The fact that guy is hitting 3rd right now is a travesty. Move Norris to the 3 hole. Do something Buddy!
P.S.  Teams depth is an issue. Myers injury completely changes this lineup and how the opposition approaches their game plan.
P.P.S.  Hope this blog didn't wrinkle any Padres employees cranky pants. Sensitive city.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Bill Simmons Is a Bum

Business Insider - A week after ESPN president John Skipper announced his decision to not renew Bill Simmons' contract, two primary theories have emerged for why ESPN is letting its most talked-about writer go.
1. Simmons' projects didn't generate enough ad revenue to justify his $5 million salary.
2. The relationship between Simmons and ESPN had been on the rocks for a while, and the last straw was Simmons going on the "Dan Patrick Show" — which isn't an ESPN property — and ripping NFL commissioner Roger Goodell a day before Skipper announced he was out.

Both theories were floated by ESPN biographer James Andrew Miller in Vanity Fair on Wednesday, and they've popped up in pretty much every post about why Simmons is out at ESPN.
The Big Lead's Jason McIntyre reported ESPN would have had to give Simmons "$6+ million" per year in a new deal, which wasn't worth it considering the modest popularity of his two prestigious ventures, Grantland and 30 for 30.
"Simmons is the most powerful member in sports media, an innovator with the most popular podcast in sports, a vanity website, the 'original blogger' who carved out a niche as the Boston Sports Guy and smoothly transitioned to being a creator of the Emmy-award winning 30 for 30 series, but … were any of those ventures generating significant revenue?" he asked.

Bill Simmons grew up in the Motherland (Greater Boston Area). Is a witty writer. He also used to be really good at what he did but he is simply a bum now. He has such a inflated sense of self worth it drives me nuts. The guy was actually more likable and valuable before he started doing any TV. He is that bad on TV mostly because his voice makes you want to punt baby rabbits.

The Guy claims that he is Boston to the core but hasn't lived in Beantown in over a decade. He has lost his fastball which was his prime mailbag days of a tortured and pessimistic sports fan. Now he is just a whiny nerd that thinks he runs the world. Simmons claims he wants to work for an organization that is not corporate while also demanding more than 5 million per year. That last sentence is the definition of an oxymoron. 

I give big time credit to ESPN for cutting his ass. Bill will learn soon learn that ESPN will be just fine without him along with the other majority of pseudo celebrities that have left the network for "greener" pastures.

Hey Bill - If you're so good at what you do you should go independent and start your own site. You would be able to negotiate all ad space and figure out quickly that you're not worth half as much as what ESPN was paying you.

Have fun writing for the next corporate gig that will pay you an inflated salary or a fake independent like deadspin. You suck and you should own up to your true soft personality. LA probably is your best fit after all.

P.S.  30 for 30 Originals are fabulous. Nothing propriety though and ESPN will keep churning likewise material moving forward. 

SoftServeSports Official 30 for 30 Power Rankings…

1. 2 Escobars 2. Once Brothers 3. Unguarded 4. The U 5. 4 days in oct (Homer)

P.P.S. The Two Escobars could be one of the best documentaries ever made. Little known fact is that it was directed and produced by former Ticket Service Reps of the Hometown San Diego Padres. The Zimbalist brothers absolutely hit a grand slam with that documentary. So at least something productive has been generated from a Padres employee this century. Boom Roasted.

P.P.P.S. Can't give Padres props without throwing some shade at them. Not my style.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sell High On Upton

Gaslamp Ball -The Friars were looking to get some sort of winning streak going, some sort of groove, and launch themselves back into the .500+ team we're all hyping them to be. With injuries poking their ugly heads out early in the season and a shaky defense, the Pads had a good shot with Ross & Co.
Tyson Ross was looking to keep some consistency with his last three starts, pitching a combination of 18 innings and giving up only 6 earned runs. Tonight he lasted a full 7, giving up 3 earned runs but striking out 8. His conceded runs were the result of two sacrifices (ground out, fly) and an RBI-triple.
Another night with a lineup missing a crucial Wil Myers and Yonder Alonso relied heavily on the Abraham Almonte leadoff strat. Abe was the bunting hero of last night went 0-for-5 with four strikeouts, one of them on a ball in the dirt to end the game. Matt Kemp joined him at 0-for-4 with 3 strikeouts, and Jedd Gyorko went 0-for-3 with a walk.
The only offensive bursts of tonight were from Justin Upton on a two-run HR smashed to center field. Derek Norris went 1-for-2 with two walks, Yangervis Solarte went 1-for-3 with a walk as well, and Will Middlebrooks had a great night going 2-for-4 with a leadoff double in the fifth. All of this wasn't enough to handle the anti-clutchness of the Gyorko GDP's and the Kemp K's with RISP.
By the way, that's Upton's 11th HR of the season, and 9th at home.

Everyone in San Diego has to be kinda worried about the Padres moving their most explosive bat they have had in a LONG LONG time. The usual deadline dump is just gaining respectable prospects. The Padres should use the Upton Asset earlier than the deadline to get legit ML talent and some prospects. I think this squad could move him for the right pieces to make the 2015 squad better. I also would hope they could package one of their financial mistakes alone with Upton (Gyorko). Melvin Uptons deal is unmovable until he can prove that he can consistently hit again.
Make no mistake about it that moving his bat would not be great for the offense but could make the team better overall. They have a log jam in the outfield. Myers could move to a corner outfield spot with Veneable taking the majority of the reps in center. That would easily improve the defensive range of the outfield. 
The other glaring weakness is central infield defense and production. Now I fully admit replacing a SS right now or before the deadline that would make sense (available/feasible/financially prudent) is tough. I have a feeling that Zack Cozart could make the most sense. Cincy probably will fade and they have a ton of money locked up with other guys. 
Spangenburg needs to be the everyday Second Baseman because of his range and speed in the lineup. Hopefully he continues to gain confidence at the dish this year. But, his Defensive range is very much needed at the moment.

AJ needs to earn his "Rockstar GM" nickname because as of now his moves brought excitement and names but an incomplete product of pieces that don't fit together.

Official Prediction:
Padres should move Upton to the Mets. Mets need a bat more than I need Coffee every morning. Get either deGrom or Syndergaard. They can afford to move one of their top pitchers because of their rotation depth in the bigs and farm. Syndergaard is supposedly up for the taking for the right trade. 
Here is where AJ Preller needs to earn his stripes because it would obviously need to be a 3 team trade to include an infielder bc the Mets SS's stink. He should also be able to land a prospect or 2. Maybe regain a draft pick that he doesn't have for the upcoming draft.
Upton gone with the acquisition of Syndergaard and Cozart would make the 2015 better and also much better coming into 2016 because there is NO SHOT that Upton is on the Padres once Free Agency begins. The move would be also easier if Kemp could start hitting with power as well.

*This is all given the expected healthy returns of Alonso/Myers with their continued production. 

P.S.  Full disclosure if I were the Mets I wouldn't do this deal and just try to get Upton in the offseason. Obviously Mets need bats to make it work this year but if they can keep that staff healthy and gain 2 bats in 2016 they could be unstoppable.

P.P.S.  Can't have a guy that plays 1yr or less for the club smash the HR record in Petco. Might have to move him by June 1st to secure that hallowed record set by Venable. Yep, Will Venable holds that record. Sad City.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

What The Hell Is Going on With Padres?

Fox Sports - Pat Murphy is the Padres' Triple-A manager. The Brewers want to hire him as a major-league coach. And the Padres have balked at letting him go. A simple case of a team valuing an employee? Perhaps. But some in the industry view the Padres' actions as highly unusual — and perhaps a sign that the Pads want Murphy to replace manager Bud Black or, at the very least, join the team's coaching staff. The Padres' 20-20 record is fueling industry-wide speculation that Black could be in trouble. Ownership expects to win after opening the season with a club-record $109 million payroll. General manager A.J. Preller is in his first full season, and like ownership, inherited Black. One Padres official, however, said that the team's desire to keep Murphy is not a reflection on Black's status. Rather, the Padres consider Murphy an “impact guy,” even though he is only at Triple-A, the official said. A rival executive expressed skepticism with those claims. “(Murphy) must have been made promises — big ones,” the executive said.

What is the Hell is going on with how the Padres are handling the Pat Murphy situation?
The Rule of thumb is that you don't stop a a coach from advancing his career with a promotion opportunity elsewhere unless there are extreme circumstances. This has to mean that Murphy is the successor to Black and its imminent unless this team makes a run over the next couple of series'.

This also sucks because it effects Murphy's pay and pension plan because he has never been on a Major League staff unless he gets a promotion within the Padres organization fast. Just all around bizarre move if they don't already have plans to replace Bud Black very shortly with Murphy. Murphy is well known and respected all around baseball with his most notable tenure being at the baseball collegiate powerhouse at ASU. But, not so sure if he is the right fit for a team that has all its chips on the table for 2015. The current roster probably wouldn't react well to a rookie manager unless their are bigger plans of dumping some of the veterans as well.

This also makes the interactions between Black and Murphy as awkward as possible. Bud is already   in the mode of keeping his head on a swivel. Having your Triple A manager being retained from a promotion elsewhere must be as confusing and telling as it gets at the same time.

This also sets a bad public perception/message of future Padres hire candidates.

Official Prediction:

Bud needs to go at least 4-2 during their 2 series coming up vs both LA squads. If he doesn't he will be on the MLB network by June 1st.

P.S.  Kudos to Darren Smith of "Mighty 1090AM" today by asking some tough/awkward questions to Bud Black about being on the hot seat. The majority of SD sports reporters wouldn't dream about asking that type of question. Most would poop their pants and then tell bud he's doing great.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Chargers Stadium Debacle

UT San Diego -  This is not meant to be a discouragement, just a reminder. For all that has been said and done, little of substance has been said and done. And because of all the time that has been wasted, precious little time remains.
The Citizens Stadium Advisory Group on Monday unveiled its financing plan for a $1.1 billion stadium in Mission Valley with enough detail and wiggle room to make what happens now interesting.
“They shouldn’t,” CSAG chairman Adam Day said Monday morning when asked if the Chargers would have a problem with his task force’s proposal. Day smiled when it was pointed out he had to know the team would take some issue with the plan.

This 15 year dance between the Chargers and the city of SD has been a blinking contest that has become an awkward game of who has less leverage. Both sides have been putting on a clinic on poor negotiation tactics.
On one side you have a football team that is trying to get the "Best Deal" from their hometown by leveraging a move to Carson CA. On the other side you have a city that simply can't get anything done in terms of public funded infrastructure projects.
The CSAG was put in a no win situation and put something together to appease people wanting to see some sort of effort from the city. The proposal is definitely a starting out point to help gain interest in a negotiation between the 2 sides and also a fallback plan for the Mayor to say, "We did something and the Chargers just didn't want to be here" if they actually do move.
The Chargers have handcuffed themselves because its obvious the ownership group doesn't want to leave SoCal. Only giving yourself two locations that you are willing to operate out of simply gives SD much more leverage than the city should have.  Also the Chargers threatening to relocate to a city that is also being eyed by 2 other NFL teams gives the Chargers even less leverage. LA knows they are eventually getting a team and the local population prefers the other 2 franchises that have shown interest in LA (Rams and Raiders).
As for the actual proposal in all honesty it kinda sucks. The fact the non-Chantilly threw in an assumption of 100M more private funding from the Chargers and charging them 1m rent for every home game was pretty nuts. No NFL team will ever pay rent at their stadium. Markets dictate pricing and no where in the NFL does a team pay a city rent to play in their hometown. The Price surcharges for tickets and parking are also just a bad look for the average fan just looking for more excuses to not attend a live game. Finally, the assumption that this town will produce over 125M in PSL's is outrageous. SD essentially has only 3 fortune 500 companies. The average size companies in this town on average do not spend on sports entertainment like other towns. I would be Shocked if PSL money hit above 85m.
The Chargers plan also sucks as well. Their current plan to move to LA would be a shared stadium with one of the worst organizations in sports (Raiders) that also has a death grip on public popularity in the LA region. Also the Carson plan has TONS of holes in it as well and it truly isn't where the Chargers want to be. Ideally they would be in downtown LA by themselves. If I was the Chargers I would at least open my eyes to other markets to create more leverage against the city of SD but its too late for that because the Bolts showed their cards well before the flop.
This Dance is gonna keep going in a circle for the rest of the summer with both sides talking big and probably doing nothing.

Here is a great read on the finance side of the proposal…  Click here
P.S.  The Fact that basically all departments report to a Spanos family member in one form or another is so retarded it hurts.

This old creeper in the Fouts Jersey is absolutely everywhere and scares the shit out of me. Looks like a retarded Jerry Buss kid with soulless eyes. I tip my cap to his relentless.  

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Hot Seat City

UT San DiegoThe Padres' inconsistency has been a defining trait. In certain games, especially early this season, they have crushed their opponents. In others, particularly this month, they have vaguely resembled a bug splattered against a windshield.
Saturday, they were shaky both on the mound and at the plate as Nationals ace Max Scherzer recorded a season-high 11 strikeouts over seven shutout innings. The first three passed without a hit.
"He doesn’t have a 1.7 ERA for nothing (Scherzer improved to 4-3 with a 1.75 ERA)," Padres manager Bud Black said. "This guy’s pretty damn good."
Meanwhile, Andrew Cashner saw a remarkable run at Petco Park come to a swift end. The Padres right-hander, dating back to June 11, 2013, had allowed two or fewer earned runs in 21 consecutive starts at home, a major league record.

Is Bud Black or any of his staff on the hot seat?  Will anyone get chopped if they lose today?  I don't think so but also wouldn't be shocked if something happens. The reality is that the team is .500 and that ain't terrible and it ain't good. It all comes down to ownerships expectations and/or patience. I do think this Padres squad is on a much different clock for patience than any other team because of the financial and strategic position they decided to head down this offseason. 
The other reality is that the team is not far out of a playoff spot either and I'm a big believer in just getting in the dance. Just get in and see what happens because division titles are meaningless unless you do something in October. Also this team is not catching the Dodgers this year in the west. When the Dodgers get fully healthy and Kershaw realizes he's Kershaw that team will be a monster.
The other reality is something has to change in order to make the team better. I would like to see Spangenberg get the consistent nod at second and have Myers play 1st when he gets healthy. Stick Venable in Center and maybe find a solid veteran SS (Not Tulo) close to the trade deadline.  A Shortstop that's focus is on defense and can situational get a hit or move a runner in the right spot. Just have no clue who that is or who will be available in 30 days. AJ has his work cut out for him because he doesn't have many assets on the farm to move.
This next stretch of games is vital to the season of the Padres. Cubs/Dodgers/Angels upcoming series' will dictate how ownership plays out the remainder of the 2015 season.
Official Prediction: Mark Kotsay gets whacked just to whack someone to wake up the team.
Bud Black has until June 1 to get the team consistent or he will also be shown the door.
P.S.  Can someone please score a run or 2 whenever Cashner starts?  
P.P.S.  Anyone seen Matt Kemps power?  Praying the dude runs into one soon. He needs a BIG breakout series against the Dodgers coming up. Average/Defense/RBI's are all fine but he needs some big hits and big spots to get the team on the right track. Team needs him as a leader ASAP. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Rory Is a Bad Bad Man

CBS - It's a bad week for fans of Rory McIlroy's rivals. McIlroy was in "you guys are still talking about Jordan Spieth and Rickie Fowler too much" mode on Saturday at Quail Hollow as he took the Wells Fargo Championship by the throat with a course record 61.
The 61 broke the old course record of 62 which McIlroy also held after shooting it in the final round to win the 2010 Wells Fargo Championship.
McIlroy was absolutely locked in down the stretch, even making us believe 59 was in play for a while. He went out in 31 and birdied six of the first seven on the back side with shots like these.

"I feel like the best player in the world and I wanted to go out there and prove that." -Rory McIlroy

Rory is quickly starting to enter the zone of an athlete that simply hates when the public questions who is in fact the best at ones craft. He has simply played his best when the public starts getting infatuated with other players (Spieth and Fowler). The kid just turned 26 and is primed to take golf to a whole new stratosphere because of his mental state. He can also thank Tiger on a blueprint on how not to fuck up everything.

Breaking your own course record on a course that is in another country that's 4,000 miles away from your homeland is absurd.

"I was thinking 59 from the 14th tee box." -Rory McIlroy

Tiger is still dead. Getting dumped and crying about it is a tough look. He has the mental strength of sixth grade kid at his first dance. He somehow has skated by controversy of getting caught with a "Pro" after claiming he was "hurt" and pulling out of the Farmers Open here in SD. No one connecting the dots on that one reeks of Nike quieting a story.

P.S. "Pro" = Prostitute

P.P.S.  Someone get in Fowler's kitchen and cool his jets with this whole "Love" thing with his girl. Play the field buddy. Got plenty of time for a girlfriend when you hit your late 30's.

Who You Got? Harpers Hair vs Harpers Bat


Big time debate in Section 110 last night during the ballgame at Petco Park. A vicious debate of what was more electric. Harper's Flow or Swing. No wrong answers here folks. Both make men and women swoon. I respect the hell out of a good head of hair just as much as a pure lefty swing.

P.S.  His one batting glove move/look is officially Hardo city.

P.P.S.  My 8 month preggo wife has more range than the Padres defense up the middle. Woof.

I would be remissed to not give Espinosa his due for this fire look. Espinosa came out of no where to steal the show last night with this gem…

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Who You Got? Scarier Crew...'


Whitewalkers vs Brady's Lawyer crew. Scarier crew to welcome into your kitchen. I gotta go with the Brady lawyer crew. They are coming in hot and fast. The God Damn Whitewalkers are walking as slow as can be and I have been waiting 4 years to see them kill some people south of the wall.

P.S.  Patriots create a website to rip apart the Wells report has officially made this a full on gutter war and I CANNOT wait to see the carnage that this produces. Here is the website…  http://wellsreportcontext.com