Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Conor McGregor is the Perfect 2016 Sports Celebrity

Via ESPN.com -

NEW YORK -- It likely went down as the line of the night on Saturday at the UFC's historic debut at Madison Square Garden. But it might as well sum up Conor McGregor's entire career.

"I'd like to take a chance to apologize to ... absolutely nobody!" McGregor said, setting off a cacophony of noise -- both supportive and derisive -- inside the legendary arena.

I couldn't love Conor anymore than I currently do. He is a small Irish guy that is an elite athlete that can sell/talk trash better than he can throw a left cross. In today's sports environment most elite/popular athletes are very one dimensional on purpose or because they have a shitty personality. The best to ever do it and say it is clearly Muhammad Ali. He was a once in a generation athlete who basically invented the self promotion sales game. He was the best and everyone since him simply copies his model. 
Michael Jordan is clearly the best/popular athlete of my generation but it wasn't from MJ's personality. His marketability came from his insane athleticism and the monster of a game plan from Nike.
Conor is not like Muhammad. He isn't doing the "sales game" for social justice. He is doing it for straight cash/popularity/power. He is already a master because no matter how awesome he dominates in the ring, I will always be more interested in him when he gets a mic in his hand.
Granted, I am not an MMA guy. I wouldn't for a second watch some guy who is technically sound on the ground because that simply bores me. Any MMA hardos that argue that Conor isn't 100% sound MMA athlete can kick rocks. Who Cares. The guy is the funniest and smartest trash talker that brings non MMA fans to the television. 
It is really simple. The guy talks trash and is an entertainer who happens to also knock out the majority of guys he faces. Long live this motherfucker.

P.S. Say what you want about us Irish assholes. You can say we ain't that smart. You can say we are mostly short and pasty. But, don't call us a bad time. A drunk Irish based crowd is what sports atmospheres should always strive to be from an energy perspective. Maybe not from a security or law enforcement perspective but that's just semantics.

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