Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Emergency Situation: Bill Walton's Bike Stolen

Sports Illustrated - On Monday afternoon, Bill Walton tweeted a plea for help. His beloved bike had gone missing and he called on Hawaiian Airlines to return his ride. Walton says that he waited in the Maui airport for FIVE hours and it never showed up. That's love... Walton is 6'11" so it must have been tough for any bike thief to reach the pedals.

Bill Walton is an absolute American Treasure. The fact that San Diego doesn't go out of its way to just promote him as our own is bonkers to me. I have no facts of how many days a month he actually lives here but he couldn't embody the city/region more even if he tried. The guy is happy go lucky, Weird, Passionate about drugs, and likes to to talk about the sun/weather.

The only way I will watch a west coast late college basketball game is when Bill is going off on random tangents about nothing because it is electrifying entertainment. He literally rants about everything and anything which usually doesn't correlate to anything that is happening on the basketball court right in front of him.

We need more updates on Walton's day to day life because this was a thrilling bike theft case that had me riveted for multiple minutes. The fact that this guy rides a bike is an incredibly story to begin with in itself. San Diego local sports network should have a "Walton's World" reality show. Show would be an instant hit and I think I just came up with a billion dollar idea again.

Give me more Walton

Update: Bike has been recovered and it legitimately makes me really happy. 

Random Bill Walton Story:

I partied at the house he owned/rented back in the glory days of the San Diego Clippers. One of my mutual friends rented to the house in most part because it was Waltons old stomping grounds in Sunset cliffs. The house location is one of those sunset cliff houses that has horrendous cell phone reception which is incredible in itself for the given tech times. He mentioned the only reason why Walton chose to live in the house during his career was because of the outdoor shower. The story is Bill Walton refused to take indoor showers and would only shower outside. 

I couldn't be more team outdoor shower if I tried. Outdoor showers are sneaky a top 10 thing you can do without getting arrested.

P.S. Bill Walton and David Wells need a show together just doing nothing as well. We need to promote the locals and that show as me as the executive producer might be the best show ever.

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