Tuesday, November 15, 2016

UCSD Protestors


Following the results of the presidential election and Donald Trump’s victory, a large crowd of UC San Diego students walked the streets near the La Jolla area campus, and one was hit by a vehicle.

One of the roughly 300 people demonstrating on and around the onramp from La Jolla Village Drive to southbound Interstate 5 was struck by a car shortly after 1:30 a.m. A caller told the California Highway Patrol that person was knocked unconscious.

The injured protester was sent to Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla to be treated, according to the CHP.

The onramp was closed during the protest but was reopened around 2:15 a.m., according to the CHP. No arrests were reported.

First and Foremost. I am not a political guy whatsoever. I will never say someones political standpoint is wrong and I think its stupid to argue politics because no one ever meets in the middle because everyone thinks their viewpoint is the only "smart" viewpoint. Also, I am not political because I don't consume politics and don't feel like I know nearly enough about politics to have a valid viewpoint on the matter.

What I do have is takes on sports and regular life shit and I want to file the election protests under the regular life shit file...

So here is my non political post election protest take....

Everyone go home. Protests are good when their is a legitimate gripe and there is a possibility that said protest could make a change in a timely manner. 

Blocking traffic simply infuriates me to no end. The fact that assholes are inconveniencing people trying to get home after a hard days work to try to make a scene is the biggest bullshit ever. Its just you, the protester, being an asshole and being selfish/rude. Especially being a college kid and doing it because you simply have no perspective on real life and that these innocent people are trying to get home to their families in a timely manner.

I am a firm believer that if this situation occurs that every driver should be allowed to continue driving at 5mph and you shouldn't be charged with anything if some kid/person doesn't get out of your way. Sorry not sorry.


I would KILL to find the percentage of protestors that actually voted. I hope that its a 100% but am fearful about how low that number actually is.

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