Thursday, November 17, 2016

My Baby & Baby Doctor Just Dunked on Me

So today was the big day when my crew was supposed to find out the newest member of our family's gender. Today was supposed to be the day when I found out a HUGE factor in the rest of my life.

The whole idea of finding out your kids gender is such a mind game that's something that dominants your brain. You think about it a ton leading up to the day of reveal and then you start dealing with the news until the day the thing comes out to party.

Your boy (Me) is awesome at letting his brain dominant his life. Therefore, I basically let this new baby news and idea of adding another one to the crew to overtake my brain. When I try to shut it down at night is the worst because that's when my brain decides to really get going.

The night before the reveal date is the worst. Stayed up all night thinking of both possible outcomes. To be 100% honest, I want a boy. I already have a girl and always wanted 2 kids. I want to be able to experience raising a boy and seeing what that's all about. The family already has a baby girl and a dog who happens to be a female. My wife is also a female.  It's 2016 and I feel that is the politically right thing to declare in our modern society.

So this morning, I have my coffee and try to basically waste time so my brain could stay in autopilot until the meeting with the Doctor. I managed to do make it through the morning. Load up the car which is a rant for another day because loading up your car when you have a wife and baby is a beast of an operation. I have my wife drive because I find that to be a sneaky power move while I chill on my phone looking at strangers random thoughts on twitter. We get all the way to the battle arena which is the Doctors office which is an accomplishment within itself. I have my head on a god damn swivel whenever I'm at a Doctor office for news regarding anything about a human that I will be responsible for.

This Doctor rolls in and does his tests. He then turns to us and calmly states, "Whelp, not gonna find our the gender today, Looks like we will find out on the 28th". Takes a peek at me like he just didn't shatter my delicate brain and jots down some fake Doctor notes.

I calmly lose it. I start yelling at everyone in the room and maturely relay that I'm not pleased with finding out nothing. This isn't an inconclusive fumble we are talking about here.

The Doctor then tries to professionally rationalize with me of what I'd like to do about the non news. I then said we will wait this baby out and wait until it wants to revel its gender parts to us when it repositions. He thought I might wait it out as waiting to the 28th. I then explained like, Lets just bunker down here with everyone and the machines until this thing wakes up. You can't have a 19 week old tadpole with arms pulling the first power move on you as a father. So, I calmly suggest that I call in a bunch of food and play the waiting game with this baby.

Everyone laughed at me until they realized I was being dead serious. My wife then asked if I could just go and wait in the waiting room because I was being ridiculous.

So, I sat in the waiting room like a chump with no news.

Now this baby basically owns my brain ever more and all I can do is complain/kinda tip my cap to this fucking baby.

P.S. - 1000% it's a girl because I believe in Karma.

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