Monday, October 24, 2016

I NEED Yao & Gary Player to be Best Friends Now

I have zero clue how this meeting came about but I am so fucking happy it did. I have been cry laughing for about a day just imagining how these two interacted.

I am pissed that I haven't seen a picture of Yao swinging a club. Golf is hard enough but having your head 8 feet away from your ball when you try to make contact would be the most athletic feat of all time IMO.

This has hit TV reality show written all over it and if this isn't already green lit than I might have to just start a studio because this would print money.

I would KILL to know what the above conversation was about and would pay top dollar to just hang with them for 5 minutes.

PS- I Need more Yao in my life and Way more Mutombo for that matter. Both guys are electric 100% of the time.

The NFL is Trash & You Love It

Hot Topic Alert:

The NFL is absolutely trash right now. I know it. You know it. The league knows it. Obviously Bill Belichick knows it and is taking advantage of said trash.

Everyone is talking about how much stink is on this years product. There are NUMEROUS reason why the product is down and why it is trending in direction for the considerable future. But, Guys/people like me are going no where and will watch this poop no matter what and there's nothing we can do about it because we are all simpletons.

Last nights Seattle Vs Arizona game was the cherry on top of the poop sundae that is the 2016 season. You had a day that started with an AWFUL AWFUL England game featuring the Giants vs the Rams and it was horrendous football that truly felt like no team was trying to win.

Then, it ended that game with a game that legitimately had me questioning my own brain. That was not entertaining on any level and I was upset that I sat through it. I have never had this happen to me regarding a football game.

Hey Roger Goodell- Good on you man. You have done the impossible. You made a legit addiction turn into something that I might actively seek guidance on and now spend more time with my family on Sundays.

PS- Quarterback play is only going to get worse over time because of the standard spread options now at elite level of play on the high school and majority of college programs. That shit don't won't work in the NFL.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Tony Hawk - Go To Bed

KPBS Via HBOSports commentator Bill Simmons and Tony Hawk have some thoughts about the Chargers’ proposal to build a “convadium.”
For one, it’s not a thing.
In this week's episode of the HBO show “Any Given Wednesday With Bill Simmons,” the commentator makes his case against Measure C. The ballot measure, proposed by the San Diego Chargers, would raise the city’s hotel occupancy tax to build a football stadium and convention center in downtown. 
"Wealthy owners looking for handouts to build a new stadium always tell us the same lie: It's not a stadium,” Simmons says in a voice-over.

Tony Hawk needs to stay in his lane. This is like asking for my take on a complex math question. It literally makes no sense why anyone would ever care what Tony Hawk has to say about anything other than skating or video games. I have no proof because I'm not a research guy but I bet he is all for cities paying for X game stuff or arenas because he's got a stake in that field.
Hawks reasoning why we don't need the stadium is exactly what wrong with this soft town. People need to get over that we have awesome weather(Super Bowl events kinda like good weather BTW).
There are a lot of other issues with building a stadium but Hawks reasons made me want to punt him. Stop being so soft and fake cool. You lose the NFL and you will NEVER get it back. We turn into Portland overnight with more with more Sun and STILL a overpriced city relative to the average median point for household income.
PS- Simmons show is so trash that its almost getting to the point of it being so bad that its sneaky good by being so bad. Don't ask me how that makes sense but its the same thing as HBO's "Ballers" show.
PPS- I would be devastated if I had to drive all the way up to shitty LA to watch my Pats murder another NFL team. I much prefer driving 15 minutes to watch TOMMY rip some hearts out. #FactsOnly

East Meets West Rehearsal Podcast Debut

Had some fun yesterday taping the rehearsal podcast at the 1090AM studios. Give it a listen if you have 20 mins in your life that you have absolutely nothing else to fill it with then rip me apart with criticism. Got a lot to learn and fix but fired up for the opportunity. 

Thanks to all that have helped along the way...

Friday, October 21, 2016

Breaking News: I Just Found My New Mentor

This guy wouldn't change his routine if there was a knife fight within 6 inches of his morning happy space and I respect the fuck out of him. When you get older your morning get progressively more enjoyable than your nights because of the man routine. Wake up, Coffee, Poop, And entertain yourself in whatever silence you can create by any means necessary.

I will take this one step further and say that his old hero probably purposely clogged and overflowed the toilet just to have complete silence and not deal with anymore. This guy just flipped his morning happiness routine on its head and I can't wait to see what measures he will take to enjoy tomorrows cup of Joe.

Ps- Baller move doing 3 cups of coffee. Already ordering you second cup immediately is a power move that only a lazy old guy can respect. Fuck that noise of getting up and dealing with anyone else because you know you're gonna order at least one more coffee.

PPS- Huge issue with anyone who orders iced coffee before the sun comes up. Old guys get up early because we go to bed early and know there will be less people to interact with. If you order an Iced coffee as your first coffee and the suns not up/weather temperature is below 65 degrees then you're a couple psychopath.

PPPS- Second coffee order can be whatever. I am also man enough to admit I like a strong Vanilla latte as well. Come at me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Bachelorette Destroyed Rodgers Mojo

FoxSports- Green Bay Packers fans aren’t used to seeing this year’s version of Aaron Rodgers. The perennial Pro Bowl quarterback hasn’t had the pinpoint control that’s become a staple in his career.
Despite his struggles, the Packers have kept their heads above water, sitting two games behind the Vikings with a 3-2 record. But Green Bay has to be worried that it’s ranked 29th in passing yards and tied for 26th in passing yards per attempt.
But if Rodgers is concerned, he isn’t showing it.
“I’m just a little bit off,” Rodgers told reporters Tuesday. “We’ve been a little bit off collectively. I’m confident we’re gonna get it fixed pretty soon.”

I'm a borderline expert on both the NFL and the Bachelorette so I feel very good assessing this situation. It's real simple. The Bachelorette has broken Aaron Rodgers. The power of network and disproving middle aged woman ain't nothing to fuck with. I don't want to hear stats or anything about his supporting cast. You simply can't perform at any level when you have a woman disapproving stare burned into the back of your brain. My wife can paralyze me and render me worthless with one single glare. My dude Rodgers prob gets it a thousand times a day from random women in the stands/public now that his family issues were aired out on one of the most popular shows going in our country. 

My Recommendation on how to fix the issue is to have someone take out his horrendous brother or possibly just kill his hair follicles. His brother stinks and is clearly a guy that just figured out the power of good hair in the past 5 years. I can't stand new hair guy guys. Always touching their hair. You don't see the pro's doing that (Brady/Dicaprio) even laying a pinky on their locks bc they know they look money. Its sorta like dancing in the end zone. Act like you've been there before in the hair game.

PS - I am actually all for dancing in the end zone but the comparison made sense in my small brain.

PPS- I also don't hate Jordan going on Bachelorette just to promote himself and get money for one second. Throwing your brother under a bus that he didn't even know was coming down the tracks is grade A dickhead move.

PPPS - Bonus Bachelorette audience nugget - Jojo's brothers could've been the biggest Hardos in the history of Hardos. They still bother me and they were only in my life for like 5 minutes. Pretty impressive impression if you think about it.