Monday, October 24, 2016

The NFL is Trash & You Love It

Hot Topic Alert:

The NFL is absolutely trash right now. I know it. You know it. The league knows it. Obviously Bill Belichick knows it and is taking advantage of said trash.

Everyone is talking about how much stink is on this years product. There are NUMEROUS reason why the product is down and why it is trending in direction for the considerable future. But, Guys/people like me are going no where and will watch this poop no matter what and there's nothing we can do about it because we are all simpletons.

Last nights Seattle Vs Arizona game was the cherry on top of the poop sundae that is the 2016 season. You had a day that started with an AWFUL AWFUL England game featuring the Giants vs the Rams and it was horrendous football that truly felt like no team was trying to win.

Then, it ended that game with a game that legitimately had me questioning my own brain. That was not entertaining on any level and I was upset that I sat through it. I have never had this happen to me regarding a football game.

Hey Roger Goodell- Good on you man. You have done the impossible. You made a legit addiction turn into something that I might actively seek guidance on and now spend more time with my family on Sundays.

PS- Quarterback play is only going to get worse over time because of the standard spread options now at elite level of play on the high school and majority of college programs. That shit don't won't work in the NFL.

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