Friday, October 21, 2016

Breaking News: I Just Found My New Mentor

This guy wouldn't change his routine if there was a knife fight within 6 inches of his morning happy space and I respect the fuck out of him. When you get older your morning get progressively more enjoyable than your nights because of the man routine. Wake up, Coffee, Poop, And entertain yourself in whatever silence you can create by any means necessary.

I will take this one step further and say that his old hero probably purposely clogged and overflowed the toilet just to have complete silence and not deal with anymore. This guy just flipped his morning happiness routine on its head and I can't wait to see what measures he will take to enjoy tomorrows cup of Joe.

Ps- Baller move doing 3 cups of coffee. Already ordering you second cup immediately is a power move that only a lazy old guy can respect. Fuck that noise of getting up and dealing with anyone else because you know you're gonna order at least one more coffee.

PPS- Huge issue with anyone who orders iced coffee before the sun comes up. Old guys get up early because we go to bed early and know there will be less people to interact with. If you order an Iced coffee as your first coffee and the suns not up/weather temperature is below 65 degrees then you're a couple psychopath.

PPPS- Second coffee order can be whatever. I am also man enough to admit I like a strong Vanilla latte as well. Come at me.

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