Saturday, October 22, 2016

Tony Hawk - Go To Bed

KPBS Via HBOSports commentator Bill Simmons and Tony Hawk have some thoughts about the Chargers’ proposal to build a “convadium.”
For one, it’s not a thing.
In this week's episode of the HBO show “Any Given Wednesday With Bill Simmons,” the commentator makes his case against Measure C. The ballot measure, proposed by the San Diego Chargers, would raise the city’s hotel occupancy tax to build a football stadium and convention center in downtown. 
"Wealthy owners looking for handouts to build a new stadium always tell us the same lie: It's not a stadium,” Simmons says in a voice-over.

Tony Hawk needs to stay in his lane. This is like asking for my take on a complex math question. It literally makes no sense why anyone would ever care what Tony Hawk has to say about anything other than skating or video games. I have no proof because I'm not a research guy but I bet he is all for cities paying for X game stuff or arenas because he's got a stake in that field.
Hawks reasoning why we don't need the stadium is exactly what wrong with this soft town. People need to get over that we have awesome weather(Super Bowl events kinda like good weather BTW).
There are a lot of other issues with building a stadium but Hawks reasons made me want to punt him. Stop being so soft and fake cool. You lose the NFL and you will NEVER get it back. We turn into Portland overnight with more with more Sun and STILL a overpriced city relative to the average median point for household income.
PS- Simmons show is so trash that its almost getting to the point of it being so bad that its sneaky good by being so bad. Don't ask me how that makes sense but its the same thing as HBO's "Ballers" show.
PPS- I would be devastated if I had to drive all the way up to shitty LA to watch my Pats murder another NFL team. I much prefer driving 15 minutes to watch TOMMY rip some hearts out. #FactsOnly

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