Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lets Talk About Monday Night

Who had a worse Monday night?...

Chargers or Charger Fans

Monday night was the epitome of San Diego Sports and the following days have cemented the national outlook on this sunny beach town. Just a happy soft town that gets pillaged by more passionate sports towns.

Quick P.S.  Real weird that this is even a topic this week in town. THIS HAPPENS EVERY YEAR. Last year when Brady came out of the tunnel at the Q the earth moved. Massholes commandeered the stadium and did whatever they pleased all week long.

The Chargers were the typical Chargers. Had a must win home game and pooped themselves. It was a must win because they had a good team in town that happened to not have their elite qb playing. You simply cannot lose to Mike Vick at home. Especially on a national stage. I am more accurate peeing in the middle of the night drunk with no lights on than Vick is at passing a football.

Another quick P.S. - When does Tom Telesco start getting serious heat for one of the worst jobs in recent memory of building a functional team in a sport that continuously proves you need some depth because of injury attrition. Don't even get me started with his lack of focus of having a NT or a Center. Not having a NT in a 3-4 defense is bananas stupid. Not having a real center and expecting things to work out at all on offense is also crazy dumb. Not sure whats dumber to be honest. Prob the whole idea of running a 3-4 IMO. He runs his drafts like a 14 year old playing Madden. 

Why are San Diego locals so defensive about admitting the town is not very passionate about their professional sports teams???

Do they think these people don't travel to Lambeau when they play there?  They just can't get 70% of the stadiums tickets. It's that simple.

The locals excuses literally make no sense that its a nice town to visit. OBVIOUSLY. But, Locals act that a city that has 1.4 million residents can't fill a 71k seat stadium with real fans. Somebody please do some math.  There has to be 70k of the 1.4 million people that are from SD.

That game couldn't have played out better for Dean Spanos. It was a 4 hour free commercial for him to show the NFL the lack of hope he has of having a public vote and/or money fund a new stadium. It literally couldn't have worked out better for the Spanos family.

Last Note:

The Phil Rivers apologists were out in force regarding his Pick 6. I am not a Rivers guy but think he's a top 10 NFL QB (Much closer to 10 than 5 BTW). 

1. He decided where he was going with that play before they broke the huddle. Painfully obvious. 

2. When have you ever seen Malcolm Floyd run a productive/non injury route over the middle that's within 20 yards of the line of scrimmage?

3. It was one of Phils worst pre snap reads of all time. The Steelers were caught with run personnel on the field and had to split 100 year old James harrison out of slot on man coverage. Harrison could've cover a pregnant women running in heals. Harrison got shook of the route somehow before the slot even made a cut. Could've been a simple 10-15 yard gain. But, Phil decided otherwise and got lazy at the line and didn't crosscheck mismatches. Rewatch the play. It is a juvenile read for a pop warner kid. Watch Here

The fact that everyone blamed the whole thing on Floyd is probably the reason that Rivers has WAY too much power publicly and obviously with how this offense is run. He is clearly driving the formation calls. He is ALWAYS in the Gun. Limiting the run game and making the team so much easier to eat up from a defensive game plan.

P.S. DJ Fluker was a fucking warrior in that game. Much respect to Fluke.

P.P.P.S. Flowers is doing a bang up job of masking how bad Weddle is at playing football.

Also if you're a Charger fan and don't think your fanbase is poop on a stick you should just look at Phil Rivers post game comments about the fans. BRUTAL.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

San Diego Gulls Home Opener

UT San Diego - At 7:02 p.m. Saturday, Bruce Binkowski, one of the leading voices of San Diego sports, approached a podium set up on the ice of the Valley View Casino Center. 
He paused, took the microphone. And then, with six words that boomed throughout the arena, he announced very simply what was on everyone’s mind.
“Hockey is back in San Diego,” Binkowski said, and the sellout crowd erupted.
Yes, after months — no, years — of waiting, of expectation, the newest incarnation of the San Diego Gulls opened their season on Saturday night against the Grand Rapids Griffins, and won, 4-2.

I purchased full season tickets to this show for so many reasons and I can flat out tell you it is easily my best buy of my life. Nothing made too much sense at the game and I was on my toes the second entered the parking lot to the second I left that dump. 

It was basically the Super Bowl of people watching throughout the pre game festivities. ALL walks off life having a good old time down at the shitty Sports Arena. The scene amongst the fans will undoubtedly be the best part of this experience moving forward throughout the season. 

The promotion schedule is simply outrageous. It's simple a bunch of 2 dollar beers night with a sneaky night called "Bar Olympics" which could be the end of minor league hockey in San Diego. The people that will show for these nights are my kind of people.

P.S. The Sports Arena might be the most perfect venue for a minor league sport. Its old, shitty, and absolutely perfect for the scene for hockey in a beach community in SoCal.

The Ice broke literally before they dropped the puck which led to one of several delays. Absolutely perfect timing because minor sports are supposed to be a bit of a disaster and the Ice definitely stole the show. Very quickly into the game it became VERY apparent that the technology in the area might not be up to par because the ice started melting and it turned into a fog. They made the players take breaks and skate in circles to help clear the fog. I was loving every second of the show. I couldn't stop clapping and laughing.

The Goalie (Gibson) was pissed about the fact his net poles were clearly not properly drilled. Easily the best player on the ice and also my favorite because he gave off the vibe off "Why the fuck am I playing hockey in a melting rink in San Diego" the whole game and I couldn't get enough of it. Love that he is probably an asshole. Need those assholes in this town.

The Tailgate scene was a disaster and that's exactly how it should be. I almost ran over at least 13 children running around the parking lot when I entered. It was a lawless scene with no stadium employees to be found anywhere.

Also the Gulls tweeting out 2 dollar beer tailgate and then charging 5 bucks was a business move that I sneaky respect. The tailgate bartenders workers called me soft for only ordering 2 beers and I like that peer pressure. No regards for my safety and just won't me lit to yell at some hockey players from some random AHL town. Grand Rapids Michigan hockey Griffins got all they could handle from this Masshole.

P.S. There is like a club/lounge for Full season ticket holder that me and a buddy hit up for every intermission and the scene got weirder/drunker every period. Big plus in my book.

P.P.S.  Pray for the AHL team from Bakersfield because they're coming to town on Friday and its 2 dollar beer night. They should be happy to get out alive with all their stuff IMO.


I tried my hardest to be done with the 2015 Padres but this story is so Padres it hurts. The Padres mass produced a cross branding hat to include in a group ticket purchase of a Padres hat along with the Logos of the 2 most prominent LA colleges(UCLA & USC). This group and hat ticket package just happened to coincide with the LA Dodgers being the opponent on the night of this "deal".

Now, My honest feelings on this hat situation is that it is a smart move to sell more tickets and completely understand why thing are done like this because sports is a business and enticing the market to buy more of your product(tix) is always smart in a for-profit business.

My huge issue is the Padres message to the obvious outcry from their fans being upset that their logo is being shared with LA fans on a night with an LA team in town.

Solution: Honest in your face Public Relations regarding the Hat Intentions...

"We would obviously like to have Petco Park filled with all Padres fans every night but that is simply not happening and only happens on very very rare occasions. We, as any other business, need to attract customers in any way possible to sell our product. If its not a Padres fan in a seat, we still need to make sure a paying customer is in as many seats as possible. The Padres selling more seats is good for all involved. The more profit we can make means the more percentage of profit we can spend to improve the team. Again, We would love to have the place packed with all Padres fans and we are not dumb enough to think that a good percentage of this group promotion will in fact be cheering for the Dodgers, but that money is going into our pockets and we need to improve the team next year."

Instead the angle they took on their message either insinuates that the Padres organization thinks the fanbase is stupid or the organization is too dumb to gauge public reaction to sales strategies. Organization simply can't get out of its way to succeed.

The older I get the more I realize that A LOT of people at the top of the food chain in any business organizations aren't always the smartest people in the room. They just found a way to get there by saying "Yes" and agreeing with whoever was a above them no matter what. Businesses set up like this will never ever succeed.

Time is a flat circle.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lions vs Chargers Preview Pod

Jumped on the Tube very early morning today with everyones favorite Alter boy Eddie "Bigtime" Quinn. Real quick hitter on a preview of todays tilt from two short pasty Irish bums.

Real quick shoutout to Baby Cam. Cam was tittering on a full blown meltdown the entire taping. She more or less self fed herself which is a story in itself being under 100 days old. I also would like to Blame Baby Cam as well for me calling (Ladarius Green) Ladarius Thomas.

No time to sleep when Baby Cam demands to wake up early to bet European soccer.

Official Bets today as of 645am...

DET (+3) @ SD

Saints (+2.5) @ ARZ

St Lu (+4) vs SEA

* I will probably bet the entire board at 6 minutes before kickoff bc I get WAY to excited and just start firing bets like a machine gun fishing in the ocean.

P.S.  Possible post game show podcast based on my sobriety. 17% chance it goes down.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Real Quick (Long) Patriots Hate Rant

The hate and media firestorm of anything that happens with the Pats is officially out of control. I first had a great time with the banter. Now their success has gotten so far away from the fact that they have a Top 2 QB of ALL TIME that might be the best when its all said and done. Also, the success has gotten so far away from the simple fact the coaching staff is just better than the opposing coaching staff almost every week.

Tomlin woke up this morning and was hoping he quick press rant still masked the fact that his coaching performance was embarrassing. If Big Ben didn't wasn't as good as he is(Massively Underrated QB) this game would have been an absolute blood bath. Todd Haley single handily killed their first drive. Tomlin managed the clock as well as a drunk Andy Reid. The fact that the Steelers made basically ZERO halftime adjustments is SHOCKING. Tomlin doubled down in the second half with calling probably the worst hurry up and 2 minute offensive sets. Also, someone please call Tomlin and let him know that the Pats will split Gronk wide on every GL set and throw him the ball when you 1 man D him up. Someone please for competitive sake tell him to Match an LB on him pre shift and then have safety or DB roll to double coverage when he splits wide. (I get up and get a beer when I see Gronk get 1 man'd up on GL because I know whats going to happen 100% of time. It's a suicide mission lining a LB up wide alone with ground. Just ask KJ Wright even on non GL sets Suicide Defense)

I wish I could perform that badly at my job on projects that I'm unprepared for and get away with an excuse that gets eating up like my dog eating his breakfast. Straight inhaling and smiling no matter what.

A story that will obviously not get reported today is this one...  OOOPS. Steelers Headset Issues.

It wasn't reported or a big deal because the story would not drive ratings.

* I was actually shocked to learn that Tomlin ever had his headset on to begin with. I just assumed he did it for looks. Never looks like he actually is doing anything at all. Straight presence coaching.

* Also Props to Big Ben - "There were a few plays that either didn’t come in, but that happens,” Roethlisberger said. “That’s nothing new. I didn’t think there were too many issues tonight with communication between (offensive coordinator) Todd [Haley] and myself.” 

I blame the media at this point and mostly ESPN. The average fan has his morning coffee and fruity pebbles while listening to Sportscaster. Whatever SC says that guy eats up, drives to work, walks to closest cube monkey that is also trying to avoid working, and regurgitates whatever he just hear on SC and truly believes he is an expert who is fully informed.

Local media guys here in SD suck for the most part. Jason Pierre Paul can count on his bad hand how many legit good media members there are in San Diego. Local guys on radio (Looking at Steve Hartman and Mike Costa) are lazy reporters who jump on the Pats hate train either because they know that it gets ratings or that they are lazy at reporting. One segment they will say that Belichick is basically the biggest fraud in the world and follow that up with Gates talk of being in the Hall of Fame. They will talk about less than .5 PSI or usually incorrectly source 2lbs of air pressure and then dismiss the fact that the Chargers manipulated equipment 2 years ago. No shot Rivers could feel that substance on the balls. No shot.

I officially lost it in the last week and I'm not sure I will ever go back on the right end of sanity regarding the Pats. I feel like I'm in a constant court room defending my hometown against everyone. "Everyone" does 3 mins of listening to actually facts and then think they are well informed or just like gang mentally thinking.

Here is me manhandling local sports radio guys per usual... Go to 11:16 Min Mark

I would've been even more enraged but that intro I got was too flattering and I was smiling to start call. Real hard to mad yell when smiling ear to ear.

Not much media talk about how Brady has basically been perfect the last 2 games he has played while every football has been on high security. He is a combined 62 for 82 (76%) with 8 TD's and 617 yards throwing. No one will talk about that because people hate the best when its someone who has won for a long long long time. I guarantee a lot of hacks had to delete pre scripting "Brady Stinks Without Deflated Balls" articles. Like a sad kid not getting picked in kickball and walking back home with his tail between his legs.

Real hard for anyone to just buck up and say the Pats might win a lot because they have arguably the best QB and Coach of ALL Time. Do yourself a favor and watch NFL Networks "Do Your Job" documentary. The preparation this team does makes other coaching staffs around the league poop in their pants. I guess I'll source that fact like ESPN... "Multiple Anonymous Sources".

Live Look at me understanding that all this hate only will fuel my good friends Bill, Brady, Ernie, and everyone else inside the Foxboro compound....

So in recap, I have officially come full circle. I would like to thank all these mouth breathing people who hate on pats and especially the media. Tom and Bill will eat this up and literally try to kill everyone this year. Keep feeding that train because this Pats team this year isn't great but the "Hate" might help them do it again.

P.S.  The Game got a TV rating of 18.0. That is ABSURD.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Official Statement Regarding DeflateGate

(Combining My Fav Movie w/ Fav Male = Chaos In My Pants)

I would be remiss not to at least mention the day America finally woke up and realized that we just spent FEDERAL resources (money) on .5 PSI in a football. That's the real story right there. That statement should scare our society that collectively we can be so so dumb.

I know I know, I'm the forefront leader on San Dieg/SoCal sports reporting and this story is centered 3 thousand miles away. Well you sir or Ma'am, you're wrong. This story was in all our living rooms and in our brains. You think if the Tennessee Titans were accused of having illegal cleats on that the story would even reach either coast. No way No how. Our "beloved" Chargers got caught with a stickum like substance to improve grip on the ball for skilled players and the story was basically not reported. It's because the team at hand is the king of the sports world. You either love/admire them (smart people) or you hate/despise them (simple people or fans of teams that continually get their face kicked in by Pats. It truly is that simple.

Do I think the Patriots manipulated footballs to their QB's liking?  

100% Yes

Do I think every QB manipulates the footballs to their specific liking? 

100% Yes

If you think It's odd how many current NFL QB's have been dead quiet on commentating on the record about football prep is peculiar then you are a fucking moron.

Do cold weather teams probably do it more given the conditions?  


Lastly, Do you think that there are a bunch of QB's not excited about the new pre game ball security measures? 

1,000,000% YES.

If you happen to gamble. I would suggest looking at total number of turnovers this year vs last year league wide. Should be a VERY interesting stat.

Conspiracy theorist now coming out of the woodwork claiming this is all a stunt by the NFL for keeping the league in the news 24/7/365 and a master promotion of marketing of their opening night (Patriots Game) can shut the fuck up. Yes, the TV viewer numbers will be through the fucking roof. It will have more eyes on it from non football fans because of Deflategate. No denying that. But,  the NFL top Execs are too stupid to be that smart. They stumbled into publicity.

This whole process is a GIANT black eye for Roger Goodell. He is officially the guy now that tells you to sit down in class and you just keep walking around and talking. He is a mascot/punching bag for the owners who happens to be paid 45M per year. (I would 100% allow a bunch of billionaires to throw me on the flames at all times if it meant cashing checks for 2M Bi monthly)

Also, ESPN is a fucking joke reporting the story from day 1. At no time have they communicated to the common casual fan that they are not the best outlet to report on the matter since they have BILLION dollar TV deal with the NFL. That might lead to favorable treatment of reporting.

Finally, A lot of people are asking/chirping me how this will actually effect the Patriots season and if everyone should run/hide and come out of their holes next year because they're afraid of the wrath the Golden Boy and the Hooded one will unleash over the next 6 months...

Here is the deal. The Patriots as a whole organization are as vindictive as they come. They ALL hold grudges and rile up things in their heads like no team in modern history. They somehow keep all this hate within the walls of Foxboro and rarely have a media slip up which is more impressive than their record over the last 15 years. Seriously.

But, their secondary sucks again. The Patriots only win titles when they can cover. Every title team could cover people. That is the HUGE questions mark for the 2015 Pats. But, if you didn't bet the Pats to be in AFC title game again before the Judges ruling, I feel bad for your bank account.

Patriots have been involved in the AFC title game 9 times in 13 years. The Patriots season doesn't start basically until January every year. They will also be involved in the 2015 Conference title game and it will be 50/50 if they appear in the SuperBowl again. I would not bet against them.

P.S.  The most offended I got over the past 7 months from this whole Deflategate thing was easily that court room sketch. Hope Tommy hangs that pic over his locker because he might go out and throw for 75 TD's and set the postgame podium on fire with his blazing Good looks postgame every week. #Pray4theNFL #Pray4Fashion

P.P.S. I am also firmly on the #TeamDivorce regarding Brady and Gisele rumors. I like my Brady as mad as possible. Good things happen in my life the madder TB12 gets.

P.P.P.S.  How on earth has Chris Mortensen gone media silent all of a sudden?  You are a NFL reporter for ESPN. You broke the False story over the extent of deflation that the league falsely let you leak. You could not look worse and to go silent is such a sad sad look that I actually feel bad for you if you see yourself in a mirror.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Is Melvin Gordon Sneaky Slow?

ESPN - SAN DIEGO – Melvin Gordon has to turn off his mind and let his legs and natural instincts do the work.
Not that the San Diego Chargers’ offensive line provided a lot of room to run against a stout Seattle Seahawks’ defensive front. But when the Chargers created a crease, Gordon again failed to take advantage of it.
Case in point: On first-and-10 from Seattle’s 26-yard line late in the first half, Gordon had an open lane and a one-on-one opportunity with talented Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman.
Sherman’s an elite defensive player, but these are battles good running backs in the NFL win on a consistent basis.
Gordon could have bounced outside and beat Sherman to the corner. Instead, he hesitated, bounced inside and was tackled for a 2-yard gain.
Gordon said he had a similar play in San Diego’s first preseason game against the Dallas Cowboys with a similar result -- a short run that should have been an explosive play.
“You’ve got to just go,” Gordon said. “I could have been physical and just tried to run him over. I was thinking I had the outside. I had that same play against Dallas and I could have taken it outside -- I was thinking about all of that in that matter of that time, and about the time it was time to go, he was on me.”

Everyone Need to calm down about Melvin Gordon. The time to freak out is if he still looks like a lost dog with no burst after week 1. That's when we push the fire alarm and go full watch mode on him being a bum. If Gordon had busted one run for like 20 yrs this preseason (He's played in 2 games) this wouldn't even be a conversation. The offensive line isn't doing him any favors as of yet either but that's a WHOLE other issue(Chris Watt is not an NFL starting Center BTW. Wasn't even a starter at center in college. Centers are kinda important to blocking schemes. By kinda important, I mean by far the 2nd most important pre snap position on offense). 
Also the Chargers cannot be dumb enough to actually give Gordon the majority of the snaps anyways this season. They should def split normal down situations. Obviously Woodhead plays third down passing downs but should also get 30-50% of normal snaps as well.
I would be MUCH MUCH more worried about Gordon in pass protection. The dude is clearly as lost as possible. You would think after being in mini camps and preseason that he would have a better feel by now on blocking calls and schemes. His lack of awareness in protection might end up killing Phil Rivers. Good think Rivers got that guarantee money. I would be blitzing the shit out of the Bolts if they dare have Gordon on the field in obvious passing downs. (Check Out ESPN's production series called "Hey Rookie". They follow Gordon and Perryman through camp. Perryman not knowing you couldn't hit a feet first slide QB was concerning.)
It's obvious that Gordon is not playing with confidence but the lack of sample size of run attempts is impossible to predict out his future performance. But, if you want to nitpick this dude might not be NFL running back fast. He ran a 4.52 at the combine which is very good given the mean average of all RB's in the draft. But, the eyeball test is so much different when its with the ball as opposed to a track environment. Again, Could be completely wrong and its just a lack of confidence of why he looks slow hitting the holes. Also, Wisconsin history is not very favorable with the transition to the pro's based. Wisconsin runs heavy sets and are usually much bigger on the line than the opposition. They also run more more traps, pulls, and lead blocks than the Chargers offense has historic run in last couple years under McCoy and Reich.
But, Moving up in the draft and giving up picks to move up to get this guy will be a retarded move even if he ends up being good. This squad needs depth and desperate help on both sides of the ball in their central line play. I personally think Bradon Oliver's numbers of the same number of snaps this year would/will be very comparable. Everything comes down to his speed of hitting the hole and speed of comprehending pass protection. 

P.S. He should 100% go by Mel. No reason why but that just makes more sense in my brain.

Monday, August 31, 2015

I Almost Felt Bad About this One. Almost.

I kinda want to apologize for hijacking the Padres Social Hour Sunday morning. A friend who may or may not work for the Padres texted me "You made it" in response to my tweet on the show and I honestly didn't know if he was talking about me or the show. 

No more making fun of this program for me for time being. They've trying the best they can just like the boys on the field. I am sorta sorry to the people behind Padres Social Hour.

In all reality, I was probably the only person in San Diego watching Padres Social Hour that wasn't related to the people on the show. I actually felt bad when my question got popped on the screen. Like I had a brief second in which I felt actually bad for trolling this show and these two that are trying their best to somehow talk about the Padres on August 31st. Just a brutal no win situation and they got some Masshole with 3 TV's in his war room chirping them via twitter about their product. Even sadder that who ever was running the control booth didn't have a clue that it was a blatant troll job. 

I think this might be my turning point where I let up on the Padres a tad. Except when they do something INSANELY stupid which could occur at any moment. But, the normal trolling shall pause because I need to focus my attention to football.

P.S.  Still have to have like 5-6 people fired down there before I truly ever support the product. Can't cheer for any business that is so constantly dumb. It truly isn't the roster. It's the mentality of a loser that needs to change and it starts with the suits upstairs. Too many people are OK with being just a team in the MLB and if you challenge the current mentality you get to end up blogging about their stupidity. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Coach Sark Getting Turnt

Washington Post - On Saturday, Sarkisian appeared to slur his words and used profanity during a pep rally for the team and major donors to the program. ESPN released video showing Sarkisian shouting from the podium, “Get ready to f—— fight on, baby, let’s go!”
“Fight on” is one of the school’s slogans.

On Monday, Sarkisian said his problems Saturday stemmed from mixing alcohol with an undisclosed medication.

- I was so #TeamDrunkSark until this excuse came out of his mouth. I hate weak excuses and this one is such a "go to" one when someone gets loose. People would much more respect if he just said, "My job is stressful as fuck with managing a bunch of large teenagers to play well bc millions of dollars are on the line with how successful our season is and I am going through a shitty divorce so from time to time I get shifted drunk. Deal with it."

          *Probably have colleges offering me PR jobs by sundown now*

- I also throw a ton of blame on whoever gave Sark the OK to get on stage. Obvi you need to give any idiot a once over and make a speak check before you let a meathead get on stage. Need that intern fired ASAP.

- Sneaky love the blind confidence of Sark saying Oregon/ASU/Notre Dame all suck. Coach Sark is a combine 0 for 9 against those teams. Oregon has outscored Sark 295 to 88.

-  If this happened in the SEC the coach would probably get a raise and a 6 figure sponsorship deal for any of his favorite booze brands.

- The PC police are so out of control these days. I would be more shocked if my D1 coach didn't drop F bombs in public.

- I was blown away when I went to the ASU vs USC game last year. The atmosphere there STINKS. People were sitting on their hands and it was a library. Maybe my boy Sark was trying to show the people how to get a little loose to help create some home field advantage. USC gave up 3 TD's in final 3 minutes. Some could argue that's on their on defensive backs but I would blame the weak crowd just as much. It's on the assholes in the stand to absolutely crush the souls of the opponents when your squad is up by 21.

*If you listen real hard you can hear me laughing my ass off. It was the best Over cover of my life. 27 points in 4 minutes. O/U was 67.5*

- I see this issue and any other issue that arises in August as simply that people are clearly over summer and need the fall football season to start. Men don't know how to function in public when there is no exciting sports on TV. (Baseball gets exciting again in September)

- It honestly feels like the Padres aren't playing baseball anymore. like a tree falling in the forest type of way.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Phillip Rivers New Deal

Business Insider - Heading into training camp and preseason, San Diego Chargers quarterback Philip Rivers was perhaps the most notable quarterback still seeking an extension.
After it seemed like a deal wouldn't get done at all, the two sides suddenly came to an agreement on a four-year, $83.25 million deal.
While that deal may not look as flashy as some quarterback extensions — like Cam Newton's five-year, $103 million deal — it contains a whopping $65 million in guaranteed money.
Also notable, according to ProFootball Talk's Mike Florio, Rivers' base salary is $15 million this season — down from $15.7 million last year. However, he also received a $22.5 million signing bonus, bringing his earnings this year to $37.5 million!
This is huge, because in most of these deals it is the first-year money that is only truly guaranteed with the rest of the guarantee only being tied to a career-ending injury.
In comparison, Russell Wilson's four-year, $88 million extension had $61.5 million in guaranteed money. But besides for Wilson's massive $31 million signing bonus and $700,000 in salary this season, the rest of the deal is basically team options.
Rivers' deal is similar except that he gets more first-year money and more guarantees than any of the five biggest guaranteed contracts agreed to in the last year:
NFL ContractsBusiness Insider

It has taken me a full week to stop shaking my head to be able to blog about this deal. I am in the camp that Rivers is the best option for the Bolts for the 
next 2 seasons and then its probably time to move on if something doesn't drastically change with the direction of the roster/organization. But, the boys in suits down in Mission Valley just handed out a deal that was IMPOSSIBLE to not take no matter what is going on behind the scenes.

I'm more in the camp that every action an organization should be done to improve your chances to win a title now or by subtraction for the future. Guaranteeing the extra 25 million then what the market would have dictated on the open market is BANANAS. Especially when that extra 25 mill is on top of 16 million this year (2015) along with 40 million that he's actually worth. Rivers wouldn't have come close to this deal on the open market and he knows it. I bet he jumped in his shuttle bus and flew down to the Q to sign this deal. Probably threw a few of his kids out the window to gain speed down the 15.

The thing that numerous people have not picked up on is that this extension starts AFTER this season. That means the contract reads we are paying you GUARANTEED for 4 years of Elite production. That is a giant bet for a guy that has gotten beaten up the last few years and has definitely lost a ton of zip on his ball. Combination of age, health, and HORRIBLE mechanics is a huge bet that Rivers will be productive in 36 months. 

Rivers is a top 10 QB in the NFL albeit the bottom side of the top 10 list but 20 million is the market at hand for the QB position. But for this deal to make any sense Rivers will have to stay at that level for the next 48 months. WOOF.

Rivers agents played their hands Perfectly. They had the perfect storm of PR and negative chargers stadium news to really take it to the Chargers and they walked away with maybe the best contract ever in the NFL for a given player of Rivers capacity/projection. Asking and getting a "no trade" clause accepted must've just been a cherry on top like an elaborate TD dance. No one gets trade clauses in NFL deal bc their basically aren't even trades in the NFL.

The only thing that really backed San Diego into the corner besides the majority of bad PR the organization has received because of the possible relocation is that the Chargers must have a QB to market if they move to LA. LA fans like names and its going to be a dogfight for the Chargers to gain popularity in that market against the other two teams that have resided there previously. The Contract deal is also probably a good sneak behind the curtain stating the Spanos clan doesn't know yet if the potential move will be granted by the NFL in 2016 or 207. This deal guarantees the Chargers have a QB name to market for either year of a relocation to LA.

P.S.  Football contracts stink relatively speaking. That 65 million guarantee is a HUGE win for the most important position in sports that literally only a dozen people in the world can do at a high level is a JOKE. When a guy like Shin-Soo Choo literally makes double this contract playing baseball then you know something doesn't make sense and 2% of sports population know that Shin- Soo Choo even exists.

P.P.S. Really hope all this new cash means my boy Rivers is going to try to have like 20 kids. Don't know why I am now cheering for this but might as well be the best at producing kids in the NFL. Go big or go home.

"You Believe we got a No-Trade clause in that deal?  Ya - We asked for it for shits and giggles and they said sure."

-Phil River (Probably)

***Some local media short bus regulars citing Rivers deserves this contract because of winning a playoff game on a busted knee back in in 2008 is literally the epitome of stupidity. So paying a guy future money because he was gutsy 7 years ago is something that equates in someones brain is some scary scary stuff.***

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ballers Is So Bad That It's Good*** - "Ballers," a creation of the folks that brought you "Entourage," revolves (mostly) around a group of friends who have retired from the NFL (or are still in it). Johnson plays Spencer Strassmore, a retired NFL player who's trying to make a career for himself in money management now that he's out of football.
His boss is a sort of whacked out dude named Joe, played by Rob Corddry (of 'The Daily Show" fame). He only hired him, he says, because of his football connections, and he's still starstruck by current and former players. Corddry is an odd choice for this mostly serious show. His 'comic relief' just feels annoying.
The season premiere mostly revolves around a current player and friend of Strassmore, played by John David Washington, who is trying to find a new place to play football after another in a series of off-the-field screw-ups. Strassmore spends his time trying to help him out, and working to get his post-football money management career off the ground.
But let's get to the heart of the matter. "Ballers" was not that fun to watch and gave me very little reason to come back for episode two. I get that it's a pilot, and the show can evolve, but I don't have a lot of hope.

I wanted this show to be good so bad but it's simply horrible. The shows idea is perfect for idiots like me that will consume anything sports related. But, the story lines and acting are so bad that it might actually be good. In a completely backwards way.

The show is a badly copied blueprint of the HBO show Entourage(Same Executive producers). Entourage scored ratings with flashy stuff and hot girls. Somehow they took that idea and mixed it with sports and it came out bad. Pretty impressive taking that combo and making it bad for their target demo of 18-35. I guess writing matters even for shows targeting idiots like me.

I like The Rock but he's simply not a good fit for this show. He is good at mauling people or shows that have lots of explosions. This show needs to take a page out of the Jerry McGuire book and have assholes like Jay Mohr's character dominate the show.

Solid rumors are are projecting the second season of the show to be picked up by HBO. I would scrap the whole cast because the idea is money but the execution is straight poop. Also the fact that this show isn't actually acknowledged by the NFL makes it cool in my book. Anyone that stands up the NFL and spits in their eye is good by me.

P.S. The fact that the show has an "Inside the Episode" following each show to explain what happened is so fucking scary for our society. Can't let people in China find out that we need cliff notes for a show that has no plot or direction.

P.P.S. Naturally, I watched the entire season because I am a mouth breather and anything football related I feel obligated to consume.

P.P.P.S.  When my wife tells me the show has bad acting and then legitimately thinks shows like Empire are well acted that should be an explosion of red flags in my brain.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Chargers Podcast with "Bigtime" Eddie Quinn

Jumped on the tube and shot a pretty terrible Pod with everyones favorite FanBoy Edwin "Big Time" Quinn. I will come and say this right away that this pod was not very good and ran about 30 mins too long. I completely blame Ed obvi. 

Basically I didn't prep because I thought Ed would drop a quick had to go play golf with (Insert a D list sports celeb) and he wanted to hit up Donovan's bc he needed a sober driver to drive said "Celeb" home.

Also - I was battling the sniffles and basically don't sleep now because I'm an awesome dad. #Warrior #BurbsLife 

*Shot before the Rivers Deal was announced*

Couple real quick comments...

1. Shot out to that apparent gray hair glob behind my right ear. Equal shout out to my Man Edwin's hairline. Poss side bet might have to be made on which situation gets more noticeable faster.

2. Kinda shaky on a lot of stats. I didn't prep because of my sniffles but Ed not knowing Chargers week 1 opponent last year and ravens game outcome is unforgivable. We were real off on Steelers 2014 season.

3. Ed having a roommate and getting married is fucking Crazytown USA. Cant decide who is the bigger lunatic for agreeing to live in that situation. (Going swimming at 10pm on a Friday night is the biggest clue that you live with a serial killer FYI)

4. 32 minute mark camera stayed on Ed a little too long and that smile proves he couldn't believe his own brain believe he said Rivers was elite.

5. 38 minute mark Ed goes from Rothlesberger is a bad QB to he is a good QB in about 15 seconds. I basically put him in the Doherty spin cycle real quick.

6. 28 minute mark Eddie dropped the worst excuse in the history of mankind. Then immediately backed off. Classic San Diego move.

7. If I was a lawyer and Ed was being cross examined it would be ugly for whatever Eddie was trying to say 72% of the time.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Phil Rivers Kids Situation Is Straight Crazytown

My Boy Phil Rivers having his 8th kid is crazy on so many levels that I have gotten dizzy. You know what is crazier than having 8 kids?

Not much.

Having 8 Kids with 6 of them being girls is someone that simply loves pain. Only explanation.

We can all sit and act like this isn't insanity but having more than 4 kids is fucking bananas. I could easily argue more than 2 makes you somewhat insane but everyone make a mistake. If you make that same mistake another 5 times you need to be fitted for jacket.


I get it. He is all set in the facet of having a herd of a family. Probably has a gaggle of nannies that do the majority of the work for the Rivers bunch. He probably has a house that can accommodate that size of a family and then some. But, it is still dumb. Each kid goes to college with inflation he is looking at a cool million if they don't get a scholarship.


I don't want my QB dealing with this circus in his home. I prefer my QB's to be dorks or cocksman who are trying to go the Namath route.

Decision making is what being a good QB is all about. Having 8 kids is a horrendous decision. NO MATTER WHAT.

I like my QB's eating film for breakfast/lunch/dinner. There is zero chance you would have a second of silence or alone time with a gauntlet of kids. Unless you're just a bad dad of course. Which is the play for numerous dads but I think Phil legit loves his pack. I hope he has a separate home that he lives in by himself from August through December. It literally is the only way one could deal with playing the most important and scrutinized position in all of sports with a shit ton of snot nosed kids to deal with.


Going anywhere literally is impossible even if you had a nanny per kid. Kids minds make no sense and you are bound to lose one from just wondering off trying catch a bubble or something retarded.

Side note: I would hire a cowboy wrangler 24/7 to straight herd and lasso the kids if I were Rivers. Would be entertaining as hell.


Dealing with a woman that has been pregnant for 6 years (72 months) is straight insanity. I legit feared for my life every day for 9 months. Emotions swing faster than a cornerback sitting on a Rivers 15 yr out route balloon throw.

P.S. At this point he needs to go for the crown and upstage Antonio Cromartie's kid count.

P.P.S.  To be Fair forgetting kids names is pretty easy. I call my baby Colby(My Dog) all the time. No shot I would know a billion kids names on the spot either.

This is how I envision Phil reciting his kids names...

Such a Southern White Guy move is rhyming all his offspring to help remember. Sorta like a catchy song to remember all the states capitals.

I have zero clue what Rivers kids names are and did zero research to confirm my rhyming theory.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Pads Do Nothing

- Padres do basically nothing at the trade deadline and it's ok except for Justin Upton. Getting a compensation 1st round pick that has a probability of making the majors at 2:3. That ratio simply implies making a roster eventually and not being an impact player. Compensation picks are great for teams that are good. Good teams will have patience developing talent bc their major league roster is already good. A 1st rd pick time frame of making the bigs is not quick in 98% of cases.

- Huge win for the Padres with not moving Tyson Ross. I can't imagine what deal would have returned a part that I would have liked with moving that asset.

- Really hope season ticket renewals and ASG sales didn't play a MAJOR factor in not making moves at the deadline. Don't worry about short term image in terms of long term success.

- Besides Upton - Every other player is fine with not moving at the deadline. Trade deadline is overrated if they return doesn't garner value. All those guys besides Upton can be moved in the Winter. Trade deadline is just sexier.

- Tigers GM Dave Dombrowski is either better at his job than Preller or just more respected/liked. He got great value from Mets for moving a player thats worse than Upton. Fulmer could be a stud.

- The future of the Padres are in the owners hands. If the team is serious about "reloading" as was stated by their super creepy president the suits upstairs will be forced to spend big. No other way around it. Current payroll as is is going up in 2016 without Upton and the current roster will be worse with the subtraction of their best bat.

- Where can I bet all my money that Kemp and Shields will be irrevocable waivers in 2 weeks?

Unfounded Hot Take Alert!!!

I GUARANTEE AJ Preller pissed off a lot of people today in the GM world. I can just feel it in my plums. I bet he had 10 huge complicated trades in the works and he played a game of chicken with multiple GM's that were looking to win now and now literally hate his soul.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Live Look At AJ Asking to Trea Back - The San Diego Padres have dangled most of their roster out on the trade market, including their closer Craig Kimbrel. Among the teams interested for Kimbrel are the Washington Nationals and Toronto Blue Jays.
The Padres and general manager A.J. Preller are setting their sights high in terms of a return. They suggested to the Nationals a package including shortstop prospect Trea Turneraccording to Jon Heyman of CBS Sports.  Heyman's sources say the chances of Turner being apart of a deal are between "slim and none."
Turner was originally a member of the Padres, drafted 13th overall in the 2014 MLB Draft. He was traded this past winter as part of a three team trade that netted the Padres outfielder Wil Myers.

Bad bad bad look for the Pads that this news got leaked to the public. I for one the love the audacity of asking back for a guy that was literally in your organization last month. I always tried the good ol' givesies backsies move back in the day on the schoolyard trying to swindle a lesser developed kid into getting max return on a 3 way complicated snack trade.

I mean this is just as sad as it gets in the GM world. The story didn't get any play here in local media because the Padres beat writers are borderline retarded in terms of covering Padres trade scenarios. They simply regurgitate "info" from obviously false leaked info from inside the front office.

Also if you're shocked by an action like this from this business then you probably have alzheimer's. Nothing shocks me at this point. 

P.S.  How come the central infielders depth overall in pro ball kinda sucks? 
P.P.S.  Central infielders need to be allowed to get back on the juice. 

Above pic is an absolute dog fight for king creepy. AJ's not creepy just weird. Other 3 creepiness scares me TBH.