Thursday, April 30, 2015

NFL Draft Was Terrible

The NFL Draft was as boring as it gets. Feels like trades must be coming.

This pic though stole the show.

First 7 Picks We Somehow had streaming live on Youtube...

Live Podcast while watching 2 live tvs aint for the weak.

Coming back live and taking twitter questions after Kevin gives his kid a bath. Burbs life for real.

Questions - Tweet at me @markdoherty7 and Hashtag #SoCalSoftServeSports.

P.S.   I couldn't be sweating more.

SoCal SoftServe Sports 1 month Anniversary / Report Card

First month has been a smashing success. Albeit I have basically no knowledge of technology or blogging for that matter. I'm definitely having fun with it. Hoping that I can mix in more video content over the next phase of development. Got more positive feedback from the video than anything else. Not a shocker due to my personality and face. Cocky Son.

Having the most separate URL pageviews this morning than any other SoCal blog with less than 1 year of operation and google suggesting I advertise means I must be onto something.

Hey SD blogs. I'm coming for dat ass..

Cue it Johnny...

Special Shoutout to a few peeps...

Wife - For straight leaving me alone

Friends - For Retweeting some fire blogs

Kevin - Helping out with Video Content

Me - For being Me

Happy Draft Day

Happy Draft Day Y'all!   

Draft day replaced my Christmas excitement probably by the age of 14. It is an awesome day for sports nerds everywhere. Hours and hours of hype and names being called gets my motor running like no other. I woke up this morning and ran downstairs with my dog to double check the calendar to make sure it was in fact draft day. Lots of clapping and jumping ensued.

Marriota and Winston not being there is both smart & dumb. It will be the first smart thing that Winston has done in a long time(Def not his call BTW). He would undoubtedly do or say something really dumb and immature. Great call by his agent and PR team of locking him in a room until his contract if finalized. Marriota not being there is GIANT red flag. Name one shy and soft spoken superstar quarterback. You can't. (Andrew Luck is just a nerd but he is cocky in his own structural engineering way)

Official QB Predictions:

Winston is Rothlesberger 2.0. He has a money arm and the kid can play QB. He will undoubtedly get in trouble off the field because he is as mature as I was in middle school.

Marriota will have a real tough time with the transition to the NFL. He must be PRAYING that the Eagles land him because I can't see him being successful under center anytime soon in the league. If he doesn't end up in Chip Kellys spread fast offense he will end up being a poor mans Kapernick.


Chicago is an AWESOME city and the people their are great people. But, I'm nervous because I am so used to Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The creatures that were produced in the upper deck there of Jets and Giants fans was a good percent of my enjoyment of draft night. Nothing made me laugh harder than the New York guy in full uniform celebrating another terrible pick by the Jets. If Goodell knows anything about running a business he will fly in a bunch of those mouth breathers from NYC and plant them right in front of cameras.

Without further adieu...

Picking a fullback in round 1 is unearthly retarded and thats why I sneaky love the Jets.

P.S.  I have a eerie suspicion that me forcing my wife to watch the movie Draft Day with me last night will be used against me in divorce court someday. Nail in the coffin of the divorce settlement.

P.P.S.  I also believe the fact that I have seen that movie multiple times will also be used as my insanity plea. TERRIBLE movie. Jennifer Garner could not be a worse actress. They need to remake this movie ASAP bc of losers like me.


Kevin and I will be back with an attempt to live stream our coverage of the draft. Zero confidence that the live stream will work or where exactly you can see it either. Probably will be available on Youtube later tonight for everyone dying for a replay of our draft coverage. We will attempt to take live questions via twitter. @markdoherty7 #SoCalSoftServeSports 

I am more of a Mcshay(Boston)/Kiper(Hair) hybrid while Kevin is definitely the Jaworski of the crew. Dude eats game film.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


USA Today
SAN DIEGO — No bigger city in America has suffered a sadder sports history than this one.This is a fact. Of the nine most populous cities in the U.S, only San Diego never has won a championship in the NFL, NBA, NHL or Major League Baseball.
Four different San Diego teams have tried. But only two are left. And now another team might leave, too:  The NFL's Chargers are considering a move to Los Angeles County as soon as next year, adding more misfortune to this sunny city's long list of lost seasons, lost teams and lost players.
"It would be devastating," legendary former Chargers quarterback Dan Fouts told USA TODAY Sports. "I just can't even imagine San Diego without the Chargers being there."
After so much sorrow, the larger question is why. Why would teams leave this paradise? And why can't they get the job done here in the end?
Consider the cosmic cruelty involved with its poor past:
-- No other city has seen two different NBA teams permanently ditch town for greener pastures. The Rockets left San Diego for Houston in 1971. The Clippers left for Los Angeles in 1984.
-- Only one of the city's major-college teams has ever won a national title: the San Diego State men's volleyball team in 1973. But the university eliminated the program in a cost-cutting move in 2000.
-- Several Hall of Fame-caliber stars have suited up for San Diego pro teams, including quarterback Drew Brees, baseball manager Bruce Bochy, basketball center Bill Walton and outfielder Dave Winfield. But each of those four endured more losses than wins during their time here. After moving to other teams, they also each won at least one Super Bowl, World Series or NBA Finals. In Bochy's case, he's won three world championships in the past five seasons with the San Francisco Giants, all while still owning a home in San Diego County.
-- In 1984, a local high school graduate at least made the city proud when he was named MVP of the World Series. But that player was Alan Trammell, a shortstop who was playing for the Detroit Tigers — against his hometown Padres. Trammell and Tigers crushed the Padres in San Diego's first World Series appearance, winning in five games.
So what's the deal here?
"You can come up with a million answers," said Tom Ables, 89, a longtime fan of the Padres, Chargers and San Diego State Aztecs.
Besides bad players, bad decisions and bad facilities, there are other theories.
Just don't call it a curse. It's more like a tradeoff. In exchange for being able to live and work in a warm and sunny coastal climate, San Diego residents are burdened with distractions that tend to prevent productivity. The beach, the mountains and the desert — all can be visited on the same 70-degree afternoon in San Diego County.
Perhaps that's partly why only two Fortune 500 companies have headquarters here, compared to five in Omaha, and 26 in Houston.

Simply a brutal article coming out of nowhere from USA TODAY. I laughed when San Diego sports were on their radar. I mean its better than not knowing San Diego sports exists I guess. 

Also GTFO of here with this weather excuse and more activities to do in SD than other towns. Could be the two worst excuses ever or proves the poor sports passion standpoint more so. 85% of Padres games are played at night. I am sorry to inform the natives that this town doesn't have much going on at night. Its got the same bar and social scenes as any other medium sized city. The weather argument literally makes zero sense. So more people would show up to night games if the weather was worse?  Got It. Makes solid sense.

Wish San Diegans just owned the fact that they are soft. Would weirdly respect it.

P.S.  I had zero clue the Rockets were once in SD and I pride myself on useless sports knowledge.

P.P.S.  Padres need loud obnoxious assholes in the stands. Therefore - I am trekking down to the park friday night to catch the classic Rockies vs Padres rivalry. 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Padres Fans Responding Strong

( Click To Enlarge )

Nope. Solid 10k showed up in force tonight. Hardcore Fans must be folding laundry.

P.S.   Wonder what the team thinks of this effort by the locals.

P.P.S.  Fox Sports doing wide shots of Petco could not be a worse idea.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

NFL Predraft Bonanza

Me and my bud Kevin hit the first podcast hot without any prep. Also on the heels of a drive back from LA after my baby shower. Just ran on fumes of guts and guile. Only way from here is up bc this sucked and ran 50 mins longer than it should. It was so bad that if it ran on any SD platform it would only be the 2nd best in town right now.

Padres Fans Stink

Padres fans are getting their teeth kicked in this weekend. As embarrassing as it gets. I wouldn't be shocked if the Doyers fans are stealing their women as well. Having my wife (SD Native) ask if they were playing in LA because of the ovation for Adrian is all you need to know about this crowd. They are as soft as it gets. ZERO home field. More like negative home field advantage. Absolutely demoralizing to the Padres team when home feels like a viking ship just landed and their people have been overpowered by a dominate more passionate fan base.

The new Padres players are getting a quick lesson in soft serve fans early in the season. Its truly embarrassing letting a fan base invade your barn and dominate you. This is a citywide epidemic. The Patriots come into town every two years and pillage San Diego. Beat them up all over the field and embarrass the locals all week off it.

San Diego is just not a passionate sports town and never will be. People can chirp excuses all day but its useless. Locals would argue reasons why they get abused harder than actually cheering at a local event.

Having a raucous home crowd can truly be a tipping point in bringing a good team to the next level. Will NEVER happen is this soft city.

( Click To Enlarge )
Local Padres Beat Writer...

My first law that I would put into order if I became King of SD would be to tie down every resident and make them watch the NHL Playoff hockey fan bases in Long Island/Chicago/Winnipeg/Calgary. Those fans just get it.

Saturday, April 25, 2015 - "I literally want to win it so bad for them, for the people around me who have helped me," Romo said. "They've allowed me to achieve my dreams and my goals. Without them, I'm not there, I promise you. I'm not where I'm at right now and I'm not going where I'm going."
As he thanked those who selected him for the award he said, "This award is very meaningful to me, mostly because I get to be associated with this and to be associated with Nancy. It's incredible and I really appreciate you, and we're going to win a Super Bowl next year. Thank you."

I have concluded that Romo is just a Gigantic nerd. He means well but is just the dude is really nice and doesn't ever win. He's just kinda present and nothing special happens. Granted he is a multimillionaire athlete with a strong golf game with a smoke wife but I (admitted loser) feels kinda bad for him.

This quote is such a dork move it hurts. I CANNOT wait to go to Dallas and see Brady drop 50 spot on Romo's head and him just sit there with his backwards hat/dumb grin.


Romo hires my ass and I turn him into a complete asshole. Prob would have 3 rings before he blinked. Also would prob be dead broke bc I would highly elevate his degenerate gambling golfing losses to Spieth ( ).

Also the fact that Romo was pulling for Duke against Wisconsin (Home State) is unforgivable. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I Love Wil Myers Cockiness

CBS SPORTS -Coming into 2015, you could make the argument Padres outfielder Wil Myershadn't yet reached his full potential or lived up to the hype that followed him as a top prospect in the minors. Apparently, any type of talk like that didn't sit too well with the 24-year-old outfielder.
"He told me early in spring training that he heard little whispers this winter that maybe he was not the player everyone made him out to be," Padres manager Bud Black said, per "I think that bothered him."
Myers has already been traded twice in his young career, with the latest deal being in December that shipped him from the Rays to the Padres.
"More than anything, I am playing with a chip on my shoulder," Myers said. "Last year was the first bad year I had in my pro career. When Tampa traded me away, I felt they had given up on me.
"Almost everything I do is to be able to prove (the Rays) wrong."
Thus far, Myers is off to a good start to his Padres career. Myers, who is primarily hitting leadoff, is batting .283 with one home run, five doubles, eight RBI and 13 runs in 14 games.
"He told me early in spring training he was going to show that he should hit third, fourth or fifth," Black said. "I said, 'Wait a minute. You are not going to hit third or fourth because of the two guys [Justin Upton and Matt Kemp] we have here. Let's go in my office and sit down. Let's put a projected team together out there. You don't want to hit leadoff, so who's going to hit leadoff?' I told him, 'If you hit leadoff every day you might get the most at-bats in the NL,'"

Love this kids swagger and overall effort for playing well out of his normal position. Obviously there were a lot of red flags with Myers attitude being traded twice in his career with the natural talent that he possesses. I love wild cards and red flag guys on my baseball squad. Cooperstown is full of cocky assholes.

The Padres had a bunch of nerds on their team the last few years. I'm looking at you Chase Headley and Adrian Gonzalez. Myers will piss opponents off with his disposition and I for one LOVE it. Need those guys in the lineup that ruffle some feathers on the opposing team. Baseball is full of superstars and most of them are dickheads. Padres finally have some dickheads on their team that can rake. 

This Padres squad should turn full heel and pimp everything off the bat. I want the bad boy life in SD and I want it now. 

P.S. Huge Series this weekend coming up with the Doyers coming to town. Big series for the Padres Bandwagon crew as well. If they get outnumbered and bullied by the visiting LA fans I will be dropping a scorching hot take SD fans are the worst blog coming in real hot on Monday morning.

P.P.S.  Padres are really good. 

P.P.P.S  Padres defense is circus of chaos. Sometimes it feels like you are watching a little league team bc horrendous errors feel somewhat normal already. Going to be their Achilles heel if they make it to October.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Live Look at The Chargers Organization


The Chargers are facing heightened offseason concerns about their defensive captain as well as their franchise quarterback.
Whereas Philip Rivers has balked at the notion of signing a long-term deal to remain in San Diego, All-Pro safety Eric Weddle is growing increasingly frustrated by the Bolts' refusal to address his contract.
NFL Now delivers a non-stop video stream highlighting the next generation of NFL talent in preparation for the 2015 NFL Draft. Start using it now!
Seeking a deal that will allow him to retire with theChargers, Weddle is skipping voluntary offseason conditioning this week, NFL Media Insider Ian Rapoport reported Monday, via a source informed of the safety's plans.
Weddle told UT-San Diego's Kevin Acee that he feels "highly disrespected" by the organization.
"We've come to them numerous times and said we want to be part of the team, we want to retire as a Charger," Weddle explained. "We've completely gotten pushed aside."

Name one positive thing Charger related currently. The Chargers organization is an absolute hot mess. Flaming bag of poop. Stadium sitch?... DISASTER. QB sitch?... DISASTER. Captain on Defense?... M.I.A. and a DISASTER.
Weddle asking for an extension with a year left on his current over valued contract is BONKERS. He is guaranteed 10 million bucks this year. Why would the Chargers extend a 30 year old Safety?  Weddle feeling disrespected is legit BANANAS. Cut this clown right now. Pretty sure it would only cost the Bolts 2 Million by doing so and he ain't getting a big deal on the market. 
Chargers should just openly tank to ease the backlash of leaving town. Would easily be the smartest move the organization has ever made. Like a hot chick you're dating gaining a smooth 35 pounds just to make it easier to dump her.

I would've cut him when he showed up with the Santa Beard last year during their make or break stretch run. 
I would have cut him after either one of his sweet fake punt calls as well. Absolute dogfight on which call was dumber…

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Who Wore It Better?


Tom Brady wins in a bloodbath but that other dude is sexy as hell.

BTW - The "5" is so cocky that I found a new level of obsessiveness with TB12 that I didn't know existed. Makes my heart flutter like a Mofo.

I love you Tom!

I Hate Lebron

CBSsports.comCleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James said Thursday, and we're not kidding, that his return to Cleveland vs. the Knicks (no really, the Knicks) is "probably one of the biggest sporting events that's up there ever."

I opened my eyes this morning at 3:45AM and just uttered "Lebron" with absolute disgust. Wife immediately threw me out of bed.  I tried to cool off by walking my beautiful dog and we talked about how big of a chump the self proclaimed King is. Only got me more fired up.

I'm not a guy who hates on this guy as an athlete. Lebron is a once in a lifetime athlete. Just HATE EVERYTHING else. I got to meet this dude once in SD and he referred to himself as Bron Bron. He asked if I wanted an autograph and when I said "nope".  I think I shook his soul to the core. Biggest win of my life was seeing shock in this frauds eyes. (If you're a grown man and ask for an autograph you should go play in traffic)

The Audacity this guy has with his self awareness makes my blood boil which I sneaky love that he is in my life. When my blood overheats is when I'm truly alive. I look at the city of Cleveland like everyone else and feel bad for that poop city. BUT…But…But… I still never want to see Bron Bron bring a title there. I hope its the Browns that bring that town glory someday.

Side Tangent - Hey Browns, What the hell are you thinking changing the uniforms? Literally the only good thing your franchise had since Belichick. 

It also drives me nuts that he has hair plugs. If you're a billionaire you need to do better. You either make it look real good and luxurious/outrageous like my boy Travolta or bic it. Also black guys look great bald.

Also GTFO my face if you think Lebron will ever touch MJ levels. The conversation ends when you look in their eyes. MJ would rip your throat out and then feed it back to you to suffocate his opponent in a game of hopscotch. Bron Bron would prob go down with cramp and ask a bunch of 7 year old girls to carry him off the pavement.

P.S. I would give ANYTHING to make the Celtics win at least 2 games in this series. Would KILL to see Lebron blame everyone in the city of Cleveland before himself. I would drink those Lebron tears and slap high 5's with my dog all night.

I'm Obsessed with this St. Louis Chick

(NEWSER) – Kendall Schler was the first woman to cross the finish line in Sunday's St. Louis Marathon, but it turns out she took a short cut. Race officials have stripped her of the win after determining that she slipped onto the course late, after the final checkpoint, and cruised to victory, reports the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. What's more, officials then looked into her supposed third-place finish last year and found that to be fishy as well. It, too, has been disqualified. After this year's race, officials couldn't figure out why the timing strip on her race bib had recorded no times—it should have clocked her at seven different spots along the route.
Schler said she had removed the timing strip, but officials didn't buy it, especially after none of the officials on the course remembered seeing her anywhere. That's difficult to imagine happening because of the attention focused on the leaders during the race. The new winner is graduate student Andrea Karl, who finished about four minutes after Schler, only to be informed to her surprise that she took second place. (Bicyclists that accompany the leader were with her, notes KSDK-TV.) She missed out on the winner's photo with Olympian Jackie Joyner-Kersee, but she'll get belated glory and the $1,500 prize.

I am enamored with this chicks gusto. She did the exact same thing last year and came in third. Wake up St Lu! Some might say that this broad is bat shit crazy. Not me. I look at Schler and respect the hell out of her. Imagine what other lies and stunts she has pulled in her life?  DIABOLICAL BROAD. Imagine dating this girl?  Everyday you would wake up and have to have your head on a swivel. Adventure city!

Hey St Lu- Stop being such a mouth breather of a city. This lady is just trolling you into oblivion. Might want to look out for her next year when she will pull the exact same stunt. I hope she pulls the ultimate move and wins the wheelchair division right in everyones eyeball.

Quick shootout to the original marathon cheater diva Miss Rosie Ruiz. At least this broad took the train and knew that there basically wasn't technology when she pulled this stunt.

P.S.  Also Happy Marathon Monday to all my Boston People. Hands down the best day of the year in the best city in the world. It is such a bucket list event that can't be described unless you go and experience. Drink a billion beers and go set up shop at either heartbreak hill or down on Boylston street. #BostonStrong

Friday, April 17, 2015

My Boy Wayne

This is my new boy. His name is Wayne Partello and he is the SVP CMO of the San Diego Padres. Wayne started his tenure with the Padres about 2 weeks before I was fired from the front office.

My only interaction with him was passing him in the hallway. Loved that this guy didn't have a tie on. Its a simple thing that I heavily judge. You take yourself too serious in SD if you rock a tie or someone else is forcing you to wear one. Ties are nooses. Hate Ties.

He seems like a normal guy with a great job that enjoys his life. Can't hate on that. Also I am assuming he is a Boston kid. All Boston guys are pretty much better than everyone else. Facts are facts.

Partello is very active on Social media with the fans and you can only respect that in today's era of technology. He probably engages with some wackos that aren't worth the time but I respect the effort. He has now worked for 2 locations that aren't exactly sports havens (Miami/SD). He has his work cut out to grow the fan base but also doesn't have to deal with a huge hardcore segment like some other markets.

Wayne has hustled his way up the chain from a Boston rock radio station to his current gig running the marketing scene for a major league baseball club. Pretty sure that includes no formal college education to boot. Really impressive. That just proves that he is great at relationship building. He will definitely need to use that skill set in this town that has an attention level to sports like a 9 year old with A.D.D.

Only thing I can complain about is the "Padres Social Hour". The show is really good at helping people that have difficulties falling asleep to fall to sleep. REM cycle city.

Here is my liquid gold plan to save this show:

1. Scrap that set. Throw it in the bar with some rowdy fans around you.

2. Have the hosts be at a high top table with a beer. Could position the local breweries that have sponsorship deals. (Money never sleeps)

3. Anyone over the age where you can legally accept social security needs to take a hike. Old people hate social media.

3. Allow hosts to be negative if need be and not just slobber the product.

4. Hire me. I am AWESOME at being negative and critical. (See 3rd sentence of blog)

Everyone: How you so smart Mark?

Me: Natural born talent. Can't teach it. Just born with it.

Also lose the headsets and button down shirts. Everyone looks like a nerd.

P.S. Never allow poop brown pants on TV. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Justin Upton Is Going to Get PAID

“I’m trying to torment every team we play,” said Upton, a life-time .377 (20-for-53) hitter against Arizona. “It doesn’t matter.” - Justin Upton

Quote Grade : A++++++++ SAN DIEGO -- Justin Upton homered with two outs in the bottom of the eighth inning Wednesday night, putting the Padres on top for good in a 3-2 victory over the D-backs at Petco Park.
Upton's home run, his third of the season, came on the first pitch he saw from D-backs relief pitcher Randall Delgado.
"When you see it from the other side, for as many years as we did, we're [now] looking at it first-hand. I still to think there is … not more to come, but you're going to see things like this," said Padres manager Bud Black of Upton's production.

The Justin Upton contract year situation will be the biggest domino to fall tipping the true intentions of this new ownership group. If they extend Upton it's truly a new way of life for all business operations down on Park Blvd. Make no mistake about it though it will take a minimum of 150 million dollars to lock up this stud. Probably more. If I am his agent I simply walk into the room with a picture of Shin-Soo Choo along with his bank statement. I then tell everyone in attendance that my guy is the guy Choo dreams to be half as good as someday.

If the Padres nut up and pay this guy I will shut my mouth and blindly support the club. He could easily  be the deciding factor of how this fan base moves over the next year. He signs elsewhere - "Same Old Padres". He Signs here - "Go Enjoy this Guy".

P.S. Don't throw him a fastball on a 2-1 count. Baseball Murder city.

P.P.S. Also Don't buy an Upton Jersey. Just Tickets to go watch him this year.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Trade Rivers Now

The fact that people are debating that trading Rivers are flat out NUTS. Why pay a guy that literally has zero shot of winning a title a new contract that eats a solid portion of your cap?  He is not getting any better and the team is a semi rebuilding mode. Makes No Sense.

Chargers should dump this clown for value to anyone that will take him. Rivers will play another 3-4 years in the league and be the same QB somewhere else. Shot putting balls into the flat at receivers feet and complaining to whoever the poor soul who is his center.

He has never been a winner and will never bring a team to glory. Not to mention that bum doesn't even want to commit to the organization. Bonkers to beg a loser to stick around and continually battle for 8-9 wins a year. Screams average and that is why San Diego gets a soft wrap nationally.

Classic interaction between local radio host Marty "Home Town" Caswell….

(Click to Enlarge)

Basically Caswell wants to resign Rivers because he won a playoff game 8 years ago with a hurt knee. She must think Big Ben is a GOD with injuries and a slew of AFC championship appearances. Grow up Martha.

P.S.   Chargers would have at least 1 banner if #9 was still running the ship. That 2006 team could've rolled to a title with Brees and LT along with that defense. Also would've help if Schottenheimer ran the ball once in the second half of that Playoff game.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Dear Bandwagon SD Fan

Dear Padres Bandwagon Fan-

I can already tell you are going to be the worst. You have complained for years that there have been no recognizable players on the Padres roster for years. You have a legit team that is exciting to watch and has potential. The team will need the support to help it through the grind of the baseball marathon season.

The Padres announced a paid attendance of 19 thousand which really means there were about 15 thousand down at the ballpark last night. Completely unacceptable. Mon - Thurs there should be an average of 30k at Petco. Don't cry when ownership pulls the plug on the payroll come 2017. Come enjoy it now before this team is back to being unwatchable.

Hey SD fake fan guy who claims there is more to do in this town than other towns. You're just dead wrong. That statement just proves the average fan in SD is terrible. No argument to make. 4/5 of the games are at night. I have lived in 4 cities and SD has by FAR the least to do out of those towns at night. Your only "out" using that HORRENDOUS excuse is sundays on the beach.

You are the reason why there is zero home field difference. You sit on your hands in all the big spots and clap when a gorilla is on the big screen. You are also the reason why other towns invade San Diego and humiliate the local fans at Petco & Qualcomm.

P.S. Think the Padres need a little more time taking infield practice.

4-0 when not making an error this season
0-4 when committing an error this season

Hot Take Alert :

My eye test says that the Dbacks will be a tougher matchup for the Padres than the Giants. Giants are TERRIBLE.

Need more assholes like this at the park. Preferably with a few adult sodas in him while chirping everyone on the opposing team and fan base.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Masters Masterpiece

Spieth was as good as you can be leading wire to wire. He simply outclassed the field and his composure to sleep on the lead 3 consecutive nights was remarkable. He is the future of the sport. Golf needs there to be a Jordan vs Rory rivalry to boost popularity again and revive the sport for the casual fan.

Spieth is everything that Tiger is not. He is humble and self aware. The reaction of his friends and family as he walked off 18 is all you need to know about the guy. People close to him genuinely like him. Pretty hard to find another superstar athlete that is 21 that you can say that about.

My Boy Tiger managed to lose all his good vibes this week with his outrageous claim of his bone popping out. GTFO Tiger. It's Spieth and Rory world now. You're just a side story and real golf fans should be more than happy of that reality. Move out the way Eldrick. You had your time and now you quest to break Jacks record is as dead as your first marriage.

Live Look at Under Armour Headquarters

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Hey Jordan - I Love You

My Man Crush for Jordan Spieth is coming along quite nicely. Talent and humility at age 21 is an unreal combo in our modern society. His only apparent weakness is his hairline. The shelf life of his hair is looking like the smart play is the under on a 5 yr prop bet.

Hey CBS Settle down with this Hot Take….

(Click to Enlarge)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Padres Opening Day "Hot Take" Blog

Opening Day is the only day of the year I miss working in pro sports. The other 364 days of the year I would rather play in traffic than be in the sports industry. Always fun feeling the excitement and being part of big party. Nothing in life is more burned into my memory than when I first saw the green of the grass in Fenway Park. Working in sports was overall a good learning experience and I'm glad I experienced it and also put behind me.

Hardo Pic Alert...

Padre "Hot Take" 4 game review…

The team is definitely more entertaining to watch than any other year this century. Their playoff teams were garbage this century. Got a lot of names on this squad that make things interesting and watchable. I have watched more games this year than the entire 2014 season. The "RockStar" GM notion might become true but the team so far is slightly flawed. Might want to put those shirts in storage for a bit. Very small sample size but this team is handicap with defensive range especially up the middle. Also only have 1 lefty bat in their lineup makes it easy to prepare for and setup a relief plan for the opposing team. This heavy right handed lineup has made 2 above average right handed starting pitchers to look too comfortable(excluding Greinke bc he is a stud).

Bud is going to be under the microscope with his late inning relief pitching matchup and its well deserved. When ownership spends this much money they expect the manager to pull the right strings.


I give the Padres first 4 games a C- grade. The one bright spot is my new boy Norris. I openly questioned why the Padres picked him up this off season and was dead wrong. Every team needs the little crazy/loose cannon/Grinder that Norris has brought to the lineup. He has also really impressed me with his interactions with the press. Guy gets it and has a competitive edge that you gotta love. Also dropped an A++++  quote on this squabble with Pagan.

"He was just being kind of a dickhead, and I don’t take kindly to that."

Same Old Padres:

The player intros with smoke cannon blasts to the Padres players faces me cry with laughter. I blame the lack of hitting on opening day bc of those blasts to the face. Never a good look getting blasted in the face with anything...

P.S.  If the Padres look bad against Lincecum and Peavy it is officially panic time. Both those pitchers haven't been good in 5 years.

P.S.S. Overreacting after the first 2 series results is what teams that have expectations need to get used to. Local writers will still probably try to play patty cake with the guys after the game win or lose though. Softserve media.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Masters Preview / Tiger Is A Nerd
AUGUSTA, Ga. — A few hundred amateur psychologists were standing around the 4th tee box at Augusta National, searching for clues, just 28 minutes after the gates opened on a dreary Tuesday morning.
Is the famous golfer approaching the tee more relaxed? Is he more dialed in? Is he ready to turn back the clock and, at long last, become Tiger Woods again?
So that crowd, some 15-people deep, went silent as Woods and his old friend, Mark O'Meara, stepped into view. Woods sized up the 250 yards to the par-3 green and grumbled that he might just use his damn driver. Everyone laughed.
"You know, pretty soon (the tee) is going to be back in the dogwoods over there," O'Meara told him, pointing to a spot behind the fans. "It's going to be 280, 300 yards. That's your fault. Jack (Nicklaus) started it, and you started it, and now all these guys are ..."
And then, without turning, Woods fired back.
"ARE YOU DONE YET?" he said, and this time, everyone erupted in laughter.

Hello Friends

Simply the Best golf event of the year. Augusta seems like the course you get to play when you make it to heaven. Place looks so perfect that some of the camera shots of the course don't look real. Augusta is as iconic as it gets and its the one tourney that all these guys want the most.

I will be pulling for the young Texan this week. Really want to see Spieth and Rory go at it on Sunday. Would be fantastic TV and a preview of the sport for the next 10-15 years. Spieth is also everything that Tiger is not. Likable. 

Tiger Rant

Tiger is a giant nerd. Hate that bum. He couldn't be more fake or calculated if he tried. I also think the guy is historically dumb. The simply fact that this guy thought he could get away with sleeping with a TON of slobs was scary stupid. Pro Athletes cheat. But, when you are in the same stratosphere of athlete that Tiger became during the turn of the century you pay people to cover your tracks. Michael Jordan covered tracks like a serial killer. My boy Tiger had these creatures call his phone. SCARY DUMB.  

Elin then beat the swagger out of him and now he has the confidence of a sober guy at local pub. Just hanging on the wall for dear life. Praying that no one talks to him because he knows he is awkward as hell.

I would love to just push this guy around a room now and see how he reacts. Now that he is off the juice he would probably crumble and cry. He was 100% on HDH. I have gotten within arms reach of the guy at Torrey in 2007 and he looked like a linebacker. This year at Torrey he looked like a guy that should be stuffed in a locker.

Gambling Alert:  HAMMER the prop bet of him not making the cut. You can see it in his eyes. He has lost his asshole swagger and is like a lost puppy trying to go home. Going off at -115 right now. FREE MONEY.

Also LOVE the hustle by my boy John Daly showing up on tuesday to start selling JD merch even though he is not in the field. Money Don't sleep.